
jīn yì
  • modern translation;modern-language version
今译 [jīn yì]
  • [modern translation] 古代典籍、文献的现代语译文

  • 古籍今译

今译[jīn yì]
  1. 第二章总论《三国志》今译的理论与实践。

    Chapter two presents the theory and practice of modern translation of " The Records of the Three Kingdoms " .

  2. 利用该文献首要是对照原碑版进行校勘整理,诸如录文、注释、断句、补订文字、今译等具体内容。

    The primary use of the documents is carried out against the original stone to collated order , such as recorded in the text , notes , punctuate , complement set text , modern translation and other specific content .

  3. 对于美国白人,这意味着去承认奴隶制度的影响,还有美国黑人不会突然消失在六十年代(“JimCrow”原意为:黑人,是美国白人至上主义者对黑人的蔑称;今译作“黑人隔离法”。),

    For white Americans , it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn 't suddenly vanish in the '60s ,

  4. 本论文通过研究林纾翻译的英国小说家狄更斯的小说DavidCopperfield(今译《大卫·科波菲尔》)的中译本《块肉余生述》,探讨译作中体现的林纾翻译中的改写策略。

    The thesis is a case study of Kuai Rou Yu Sheng Shu , Lin Shu 's Chinese translation of Charles Dickens ' David Copperfield , with a view of exploring his rewriting strategies .

  5. 如将不尽,以古为新&试论《诗品》今译和英译的人称变换

    On shift of persons in the translation of The Poetic Realm

  6. 四肢部古代解剖学名词今译

    Modern Translation of Ancient Anatomy Terms at Limb

  7. 在全球化背景下,《三国志》今译工作具有广阔的发展前景;

    Under globalization background , the modem translation of " The Records of the Three Kingdoms " has wide development prospects ;

  8. 另外,他还翻译了《社会通诠》,《群己权界论》、《法意》(今译《论法的精神》)、《名学》、《名学浅说》等。

    He also translated A History of Politics , On Liberty , De l'Esprit des Lois , System of Logic and Pure Logic .

  9. 古今文化的差异、国语言的差异,为不同语种的古籍今译设置了重重障碍。

    The differences of time , culture , country and language set up the very heavy obstacle with the modern translation of ancient classics .

  10. 实现这一目的,就应严格遵守古文今译的原则,准确而通畅地将古文的内容译成现代汉语。

    To realize this aim , we should strictly follow the translating rules and translate the classical Chinese proses into present characters exactly and smoothly .

  11. 古籍今译所涉及的语言文字问题,为古汉语研究提供了富有理论价值和应用价值的新课题。

    The linguistic and literal features related with the modern translation of ancient classics provide rich theoretical and applicable subject for the study of classical Chinese ;

  12. 第一部分为前言,总说高中语文文言今译及词义注释的重要性、特点及本文研究的对象和方法。

    Part one , the preface , to sum up the importance and characteristics of such work and also the research object and methods adopted in the thesis .

  13. 如何利用现代科技手段整理民族古籍,这包括编制各种索引,校勘,今译,注释。

    Compare with the arrangement of Chinese ancient books , how to use modern methods to arrange national ancient books , how to draw up various index , check , translate and annotate .

  14. 第二部分具体分析四种版本中文言今译失之于信、达、雅及当译而不译之处。

    Part two , to analyse the part at translation which is far from faithfulness , expressiveness and elegance and also the part which should be translated but not concretely in the four editions .

  15. 为了促进中国的富强与发展,他翻译了英国政治经济学家亚当·斯密的《原富》(今译《国民财富的性质及原因研究》),是分量最重、规模最大的一本译作。

    He translated the British political economist Adam Smith 's An Inquiry into The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations , which was the most important of his translations and largest in scale .