
  • 网络TODAY EVENING;TONIGHT PAPER;Today Evening News;Tianjin Evening Newspaper;Tonight
  1. 昨天下午,听朋友说,今晚报发表了让我们拍照片的新闻,非常高兴。

    I was glad to know that we would take photography inEveningTonight yesterday afternoon .

  2. 瑞典小报《今晚报》援引一篇社会学论文说,如果你的同事里有几位和伴侣分道扬镳,那么你自己离婚的可能性也会增大。

    The likelihood that you will get divorced increases if several of your colleagues at work break up with their partners , Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reported , quoting a sociological study .

  3. 可以说,从诞生之日起,《今晚报》就以其独特的市场地位和贴近读者的报道方式赢得了天津读者的喜爱。

    It can be said that , from the date on birth , Jin Wan Bao gained the appreciation of the Tianjin readers because of special market positioning and reported ways of closing to readers .