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  • China today
  1. 展出方是今日中国网络电视台。

    The exhibition was set up by China Today Net Television .

  2. 愿主在今日中国的领袖中能有丰收。

    Pray for a harvest among leaders in China today .

  3. 今日中国将发布一系列数据,包括国内生产总值(gdp)和通胀数据,预期这些数据将显示增长强劲、而物价正在上涨。

    Today China releases a flurry of data , including gross domestic product and inflation , which are expected to show strong growth and rising prices .

  4. 惠普首席执行官梅格•惠特曼(MegWhitman)表示,此举是“为在今日中国赢得胜利而采取的大胆举措”。这位首席执行官正在将惠普公司分拆为两家公司。

    Meg Whitman , HP 's chief executive who is in the middle of splitting the company in two , said it was a " bold move to win in today 's China . "

  5. 本辑照片由摄影师菲力斯•比托(FeliceBeato)于1860年拍摄,展现与今日中国截然不同、且为人所淡忘的景观与城市风貌。本系列18张照片中,最为瞩目的实为一幅气势磅礴的北京城全景图。

    Shot more than 150 years ago , the 18 pictures reveal a Chinese capital long since gone .

  6. 牛津大学中国历史与政治学教授拉纳•米特(RanaMitter)声称,为理解今日中国,我们需要先理解其经历的这场长期被遗忘的战争。

    To understand the country today , we need to understand its long-forgotten war , argues Rana Mitter , professor of Chinese history and politics at Oxford .

  7. 历史的重复:19世纪美国和今日中国

    The historical repetition : America in 19th and China in 21st

  8. 让更多的欧洲人了解今日中国(英文)

    ' Let More Europeans Learn about Present Day China '

  9. 今日中国采取了一种务实的行之有效的方法。

    China today is taking a practical and effective approach .

  10. 此前对《今日中国》的研究可以分为两类。

    Previous researches about China Today can be divided into two types .

  11. 今日中国已经不再是70年代的中国了。

    The China of today is no longer the China it was in1970 .

  12. 他的思想在今日中国也仍然是值得吸收借鉴的精神财富。

    His opinion is still worthy of using for reference in todays China .

  13. 详细地介绍了之前关于《今日中国》的研究。

    It gives a detailed introduction to previous researches related to China Today .

  14. 《今日中国美术》北京出版社出版;

    《 Chinese Art Today 》 Beijing Publishing house ;

  15. 今日中国妇女的社会地位

    The social status of women in China today

  16. 参加“今日中国美术展”(北京);

    ' Grand Exhibition of Today 's China'Beijing ;

  17. 和过去相比,《今日中国》在很多方面都发生了许多变化。

    Compared with the past , China Today has changed a lot in many ways .

  18. 昔日中国一统天下之时,哲学家们的所思所想,及其对今日中国的裨益

    What philosophers thought when China was the world and how it can help China now

  19. 今日中国美术大展雕塑作品选

    Selected Sculpture Works of " Today 's China Art Exhibition " in China Millennium Monument

  20. 今日中国人口中,有很大一部分是以面条制品为主食。

    Nowadays , a large part of China 's population has a diet centered around noodles .

  21. 向世界展示“今日中国”的风采,亦是《艺术交流》的责任。

    It is our magazine 's responsibility to showcase the charm of today 's China as well .

  22. 今日中国的基督教会的发展部分属于理雅各的遗产。

    Today , the development of Chinese Church of Christ part of belonging to James Legge heritage .

  23. 参加“今日中国:来自中国的当代艺术”,布鲁塞尔,比利时;

    " Today 's China : Contemporary Art From China ", Belvue Museum , Brussels , Belgium ;

  24. 通过对比研究,作者总结出《今日中国》所采取的特殊的翻译手法:解释性翻译,删减,再创造。

    The present thesis also takes the C-E translation of China Today to have a case study .

  25. 事实上,敢于实验是今日中国最引人注目的特点。

    In fact , the willingness to experiment is one of the most striking features of China today .

  26. 作者同时分析了今日中国立刻城市实践的特点。

    The author also analyses the characteristics of the practice of the " Instant City " of China today .

  27. 第二类从微观层面,或确切地说,从语言层面对《今日中国》进行研究。

    The second type studied China Today from a micro-level , or more explicitly , from a linguistic level .

  28. 在快速城市化的今日中国,他的作品因极具美感和环境可持续性而饱受赞誉。

    His work was commended for being aesthetically striking and environmentally sustainable at a time of fast-paced urbanization in China .

  29. 实行一切必要的改革来战胜一切困难,这是今日中国革命的迫切任务。

    The urgent task in the Chinese revolution today is to make all the reforms necessary to overcome all difficulties .

  30. 于今而言,则正是对传统文化在今日中国乃至世界多元文化中的重新定位。

    Today is concerned , is precisely the traditional culture in today 's multicultural world , in China and re-positioning .