
  1. 竟岁啸聚山林,亦有何乐?

    There is no pleasure in leading a lawless life all the year round .

  2. midnight:午夜sandwich:三明治但是如果这意味着我们大家有更多火鸡三明治作夜宵,何乐而不为呢没错,明白了,Dan?kitchen:厨房positive:积极的;

    Rufus : But if it means more midnight turkey , sandwiches for all of us , then so be it . Yeah , see , Dan ? -

  3. 在其它条件都相同的情况下,如果能以较低薪水招到富有才华的员工,前提是允许他们访问Facebook,或是发给他们iPhone而不是黑莓(BlackBerry),公司何乐而不为。

    Everything else being equal , if you can snag talented workers at lower salaries by letting them look at Facebook or by giving them an iPhone ( AAPL ) rather than a BlackBerry ( RIMM ) , it seems like a no-brainer that you should .

  4. “如果历史能帮助我们维护持久的和平,那么何乐而不为呢?”

    " When the past serves this lasting peace , why not ?"

  5. 债务低,资金多,何乐而不为呢?

    It has low debts and lots of cash , so why not ?

  6. 既然如此,谷歌何乐而不为呢?

    So why shouldn 't Google have access too ?

  7. 喝茶既是一种享受,又能保健身体,何乐而不为?

    Tea is a treat , but also good health , why not ?

  8. 以这样一个廉价的方式获得快乐,何乐而不为呢?

    That 's pretty cheap price to pay for joy , isn 't it ?

  9. 就想,何乐而不为呢?

    I thought , well , why not ?

  10. 何乐而不为呢

    Do it . Hell , why not ?

  11. 既省钱,又环保,何乐而不为呢?

    So save money , save the planet , what 's not to like ?

  12. 如果有人能从中获益,过程中又没有人受到伤害,那何乐而不为呢?

    If someone benefits and no one is hurt in the process , why not ?

  13. 下列的菜肴不仅美味可口,而且能够帮助你降血压哦,一举两得,何乐而不为呢?

    Not only are these recipes delicious , they also contain foods that lower blood pressure .

  14. 用最短的时间来完成最多的事情,我们何乐而不为那!

    Use the shortest time to complete one thing , our what is there against it that !

  15. 更何况还可以刺激消费,推动经济发展,何乐而不为呢?

    Can also whats more stimulate consumption , promote the development of economy , why not do it ?

  16. 欢乐的夜晚、气氛.烛光晚餐有氛围,节约用电何乐而不为?

    A convivial evening , atmosphere Improve the ambience and have dinner by candlelight , saving the electricity .

  17. 但是如果这意味着我们大家有更多火鸡三明治作夜宵何乐而不为呢

    But if it means more midnight turkey sandwiches for all of us , then so be it .

  18. 步行到你要去的附近地方,既环保又可呼吸到新鲜空气,何乐而不为!

    Take a walk in the fresh air to the local places instead – It is good for you !

  19. 他们的想法是:如果能够摆脱累赘又麻烦的外套,又何乐而不为呢?

    Their thinking : If I can manage without the encumbrance and bother of a coat , then why not ?

  20. 鸿渐省得我掏腰包,我何乐而不为?

    Hung-chien is saving me from having to take out my pocketbook , so how can I not be pleased ?

  21. 本来我没想参赛,可有人让我去还说赞助金将捐给慈善机构,既然这样,何乐而不为呢?”马丁所得的赞助费将捐给“里斯?

    I hadn 't thought of doing it before but someone asked me and the money goes to charity so why not ?

  22. 削减成本对于安然度过经济低迷至关重要,而如果与此同时,企业能够提升它们的绿色资质,那何乐而不为呢?

    Cost-cutting is vital to beating the downturn and if companies can boost their green credentials at the same time , why not ?

  23. 若一路坎坷,死既来之,将这不幸带走又何乐而不为?

    If we have not lived well , then it is good that death comes and puts an end to the miserable life .

  24. 现如今,通过构建中介平台来赚钱的企业越来越多,因为这样能规避为产品和服务的质量甚至可用性承担风险,所以何乐而不为呢?

    The list of companies that build platforms but eschew responsibility for the quality or even availability of goods or services grows daily , and why not ?

  25. 奉献,是一个多么另人怡心的字眼,“予人玫瑰,手留余香”,奉献,会使两个人感到快乐,何乐而不为呢?

    Dedication , how the other person is a heart Yue words ," to be roses , left hand ", dedication , will make two people happy , why not do it ?

  26. 我觉得中国的领导层很明白必须改善环境。如果奥运会或者无论什么事件能成为一种催化剂,那何乐而不为呢。

    ' I think the leadership quite genuinely knows the environmental situation has to change & and if it 's the Olympics or whatever that is the catalyst , then so be it . '

  27. 与最近发现的《犹滴割下何乐弗尼的头颅》放在一起,这座称为“盖蒂雕像”的声名狼藉的大理石像,及时提醒我们直觉的力量甚至比最细致入微的科学分析更胜一筹。

    Placed side-by-side with the recentlydiscovered Judith Beheading Holofernes , the infamous marble sculpture known asthe Getty kouros offers a timely reminder of the power of instinct over eventhe most gritty and granular of scientific analyses .

  28. 有时候想想,一个孩子面对另一个孩子的指责,略带自潮的显示自己的大度,智慧,还能堵住他的嘴巴,真是感叹,这一点智慧与幽默,何乐而不为呢?

    Sometimes think about a child to face accusations of another child , slightly since the tide show their generosity , wisdom , Also blocked his mouth , really lamenting that wisdom and humor , why not ?

  29. 如果给后代人、动物、胎儿及死者以法律主体地位就能实现对它们所谓的权益的(实质上那是我们自己的)保护目的,谁人何乐而不为呢?

    If future generations , animals , the deceased and fetuses ' rights and interests ( they are essentially our own ) are protected by being offered the position of legal subjects , who will not be delighted in doing so ?

  30. 李先生说这一切仅仅是生意上的策略。“我们不是想拯救世界,我们就是想赚钱。我们的战略目标就是给予股东回报。如果我们这样做的同时也为这个地球做出了贡献,一举两得的事情何乐而不为呢。”

    Li says it is simply a matter of business . " We are not trying to save the world , we are making money . Our strategy aims to give value to shareholders . If we can help the planet at the same time , all the better . "