
  1. 莉莎:公司今天派我来接待你。

    Lisa : The company has sent me to be your guide for the day .

  2. 同时,今天逊尼派和库尔德人从伊拉克新议会第一次会议退场。

    Meanwhile Sunni and Kurds walk out of the first session of Iraq 's new parliament today .

  3. 舒婷是众多的“今天”派诗人中最幸运的一个,她拥有数量最多的读者。

    Shuting , one of the luckiest poet among many modern poets , has a number of readers .

  4. 今天老板派我去和一个陌生的客户开会,处理损失控制的有关事宜,并重新商议合同的问题。

    Today , my boss sent me to a meeting with a client I 've never met to do some damage control and renegotiate his contract .

  5. 服务员:您今天想要什么派?

    Waiter : What pie do you love today ?

  6. 我知道了。我们今天下午两点派一名管道工去。

    I see . We can send a plumber at two o'clock this afternoon .

  7. 然后今天,奥巴马派副总统乔·拜登出席一个紧急的椒盐脆饼干亲善任务,所以这应该挺好的。

    And today , Obama sent Vice President Biden on an emergency goodwill mission for pretzels , so that will be good .

  8. 在全球化、经济一体化进程日益加快的今天,国粹派教育思想的经验与教训,对今天复兴国学无疑也具有重要的启迪。

    Nowadays the experiences from Quintessence School have great enlightenments in carrying on the sinology education in China with the fast step of the globalization and economic integration .

  9. 在历史文献片成为主流纪录片的今天,渝派创作的大型历史文献纪录片《千秋红岩》在万众期待下登上了舞台。

    Now history literature documentary film is the mainstream of documentary ," Yu-faction " creation of large historical literature documentary film art " Hong Yan " mounted the stage under the much-anticipated .

  10. 乌克兰政府表示,今天,亲俄派分离主义者在乌克兰东部城市顿涅茨克至少杀害了13名乌克兰士兵。

    Ukrainian government said the pro-Russia separatists had killed at least 13 of its soldiers today , in the eastern city of Donetsk .

  11. 在科学理性日益向考据派渗透的今天,义理派应该大胆地向审美的领域拓展。

    Today , when scientific rationality " is penetrating the textual criticism school , the argumentation school should expand bravely to " aesthetic territories .