
jīn wǎn
  • tonight;this evening
  1. 现在是今晚主要新闻综述。

    Now for a summary of tonight 's main news stories .

  2. 今晚这辑《全景》探讨的是失业问题。

    Tonight 's edition of ' Panorama ' looks at unemployment .

  3. 我今晚身兼两职——既是家长又是老师。

    I 'm wearing two hats tonight ─ parent and teacher .

  4. “你今晚能和我见面吗?”他小声问。

    ' Can you meet me tonight ? ' he whispered .

  5. 我想今晚你已经喝得够多了。

    I think perhaps you 've had enough to drink tonight .

  6. “你今晚有空吗?”她抱着希望地问。

    ' Are you free tonight ? ' she asked hopefully .

  7. 今晚他将参加100米赛跑。

    He will be running in the 100 metres tonight .

  8. 今晚比赛吸引的观众人数创本赛季之最。

    Tonight 's game has attracted the largest gate of the season .

  9. 我们荣幸地欢迎您今晚来讲演。

    We are privileged to welcome you as our speaker this evening .

  10. 你为什么一定要我们今晚离开?

    Why are you so insistent that we leave tonight ?

  11. 我今晚来试修一下。

    I 'll have a go at fixing it tonight .

  12. 有可能弄到今晚的票吗?

    Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight ?

  13. 请问您今晚能否赏光?

    Will you be gracing us with your presence tonight ?

  14. 今晚的胜利确保这个队能进入决赛。

    Tonight 's victory guarantees the team 's place in the final .

  15. 他们在今晚的比赛中面临一场恶战。

    They face a torrid time in tonight 's game .

  16. 你今晚和我们一起去俱乐部吗?

    Are you coming to the club with us tonight ?

  17. 我今晚要和女友们外出。

    I 'm having a night out with the girls .

  18. 你看上去漂亮极了——今晚肯定把他们迷倒。

    You look fabulous ─ you 'll knock ' em dead tonight .

  19. 医生都说她很可能活不过今晚。

    Doctors say that she probably won 't last out the night .

  20. 我今晚不想打羽毛球了。

    I think I 'll give badminton a miss tonight .

  21. 他骗到了几张今晚重大比赛的门票。

    He finagled some tickets for tonight 's big game .

  22. 今晚他们将宣布投票结果。

    They will announce the result of the vote tonight .

  23. 队长身体欠佳,将不会出席今晚的比赛。

    The captain is still unfit and will miss tonight 's game .

  24. 那么你今晚就不来了吗,嗯?

    So you won 't be coming tonight , huh ?

  25. 我答应过他,今晚我不会喝醉。

    I promised him that I 'd stay sober tonight .

  26. 今晚你能给我弄个睡的地方吗?

    Could you give me a bed for the night ?

  27. 今晚在这儿见到一些新面孔真是太好了。

    It 's nice to see some new faces here this evening .

  28. 今晚电视节目最后安排了一部恐怖影片。

    A horror movie completes this evening 's TV line-up .

  29. 我说,今晚去看场电影怎么样?

    Say , how about going to a movie tonight ?

  30. 比赛最精彩的片段将于今晚稍后播出。

    The highlights of the match will be shown later this evening .