
  • 网络Cultural Perspective
  1. 论陈凯歌电影文化视点的转移

    On the Transformation of Cultural View Point of chen Kaige 's Films

  2. 他有多元文化视点和比较文化思维,研究内容杂而博,自认是狐狸型的学者,用杂的学问来为研究找一个坐标。

    He holds pluralistic culture viewpoint and compare culture thinking and has mixed and rich content .

  3. 汉英商业广告翻译中的文化视点

    Cultural Factors in Advertisement Translation

  4. 本文从文化视点的视角深层次剖析少数民族题材电影的传播发展过程,就是为了展现少数民族文化的核心本质。

    This article analyzes the spread of the development process from the perspective of the Ethnic Movies deep-seated cultural viewpoint , is to demonstrate the core nature of minority cultures .

  5. 对少数民族题材电影中所表现出的民族文化视点进行深度的分析,进而能够梳理出民族文化特质的一种变迁,也就是所谓的价值取向和审美价值的流变。

    Films of minorities in the national culture showed the depth of the analysis point of view , and thus be able to tease out the characteristics of a national culture changes , so-called values and aesthetic value rheology .

  6. 长沙城市旅游营销的文化休闲视点

    Cultural Leisure Aspects of Changsha Urban Tourism Marketing

  7. 从文化学视点看颜色词的辅助附加转义

    On the Cultural Connotation of Color Words

  8. 居住在国外有助于你了解自己家乡文化的视点,让你可以形成自己的观点。

    Living in another country can help inform your point of view on your home culture , allowing you to develop your own views .

  9. 社会主义政治文明概念的提出,使人们获得了研究社会主义文明发展的新视点,这就是文化的视点、文化和文明发展的历史视点。

    The concept of socialist political civilization provides a new perspective into the development of socialist civilization , It is here that cultural and historical approaches to the development of culture and converge .

  10. 其次,论文以地域文化为视点,强调在设计中要强化新时代地域的文化价值对服务区的制约力、影响力和规范力。

    Next stand on the apex of cultural paper , stressed in the design of a new era , we must strengthen the cultural values of geographical constraints on the service area , and influence , and regulate the force .

  11. 以福利文化为视点,考察实施社会福利社会化方针以来在社会福利观念上发生的变化、福利文化与福利实践的融合及福利文化思想在社区资源中的地位。

    This paper discusses the conceptual changes in social welfare since the application of socialization of social welfare , the mergence of welfare culture and welfare practice , and the position of the culture in community resources from the viewpoint of welfare culture .

  12. 汉语网络文化的道德视点及其伦理分析

    An ethical analysis of Chinese cyber culture and its orientation in morality

  13. 课程:跨文化比较的视点

    Curriculum : A View of the Cross-culture Comparison

  14. 明清时期国家与社会关系转型境遇下的回族社区&以历史上西安回族社区文化变迁为视点

    The Muslim Community against a Background of the Transition of Relationship between State and Society in Ming and Qing Dynasty & Taking the Cultural Change of the Muslim Community in Xi'an as a Case

  15. 研究语言与文化的关系必须从文化视点入手,用具体语言实例来加以论述。

    To study the relationship of language and culture , we should inspect from a cultural vision and illustrate with specific language examples .

  16. 研究者立足于中国物质文化和非物质文化的传承视点,从语言学、案例比较和行为学的角度对文化产业园空间特征和环境行为的关系进行了研究分析。

    This research based on the view on heritage of Chinese material and Cultural and Intangible Cultural . Linguistic Science , Case Study and Behavior Science were employed in this dissertation for analyzing the spatial characteristics in the Park of Culture Industry and also tourists ' travel behavior in it .

  17. 基于某些学校校园文化建设失衡或被忽视的现象,建设和谐校园文化成为应有的视点。

    Because there are some schools in which campus culture is out of balance or neglected , the construction of harmonious campus culture should be paid attention to .