
  1. 本研究应用中药川芎嗪、丹参或西药阿司匹林、低分子量肝素联合对抗DXR,以找到能够延长移植物存活时间的有效抗凝治疗方法。

    This study use anticoagulation drug combinations , such as Aspirin plus low-molecular-weight heparin and ligustrazine plus Salvia-miltiorrhiza Bge to counteract the rejection , aiming to find an effective therapy to prolong the xenograft survival time .

  2. 在那里,他们联合对抗索伦。

    There , they unite against Sauron .

  3. 然后,又分析了这四种策略下企业联合对抗的供应链模型,并且比较了企业联合对抗前后各自定价及利润发生的变化。

    Then it analyses the models of kartell under the four strategies and compares changes between the fore-and-aft models .

  4. 穷兵黩武的军事态度可能招致邻国的联合对抗,这对中国的硬实力和软实力都是一种削弱。

    Too aggressive a Chinese military posture could produce a countervailing coalition among its neighbors that would weaken both its hard and soft power .

  5. 第二次世界大战期间,为了联合对抗法西斯,在丘吉尔和罗斯福的共同努力下英美特殊关系初步建立。

    During World War II , in the struggle against fascism , the " UK-US special relationship " was initially established , to a large extent due to joint efforts of Roosevelt and Churchill .

  6. 未来移动通信系统是一个高度干扰受限系统。本文研究了利用基于中继节点的联合传输对抗相邻小区干扰。

    Future mobile communication system is considered to be a interference-limited system .

  7. 各个机构联合起来对抗非法药品的使用。

    Various agencies gang up to combat the use of illicit drugs .

  8. 那两个国家联合起来对抗他们的共同敌人。

    The two countries have united against their common foe .

  9. 我们要联合起来对抗一个更强大的敌人。

    We need to unite against a greater enemy .

  10. 在战争期间,各部队联合起来对抗入侵者。

    The tribe confederate in the war against intruder .

  11. 我确信他们已经联合起来对抗我了。

    I 'm sure they conspire against me already .

  12. 各部落联合起来对抗入侵者。

    The tribes confederated in the war against intruders .

  13. 冷战时期,美欧联合以对抗苏联。

    In cold war period , the USA and Europe unite in order to oppose the Soviet Union .

  14. 不同的机构联合起来对抗非法药品的使用在战争期间,各部队联合起来对抗入侵者。

    Various agencies ganging up to combat the use of illicit drugs . The tribe confederate in the war against intruder .

  15. 该系统的实现有利于水声对抗技术及应用的深入研究,也为海、地、空、天联合信息对抗仿真的实现打下了基础。

    The system is useful both to further study and utilization of acoustic confrontation and to the simulation of united underwater-terra-air-space information confrontation .

  16. 除了棘手的核问题,美国还谴责伊朗支持伊拉克非政府武装与美国联合部队对抗。

    In addition to the thorny nuclear issue , the Untied States has accused Iran of supporting the insurgents in Iraq to fight against the U.S.

  17. 后来,中国主动调整了对美关系,联合美国对抗苏联。

    Later , China took the initiative to adjust its relations with the United States so as to unite the United States to fight against the Soviet Union .

  18. 总而言之,这使得米兰和尤文的球迷联合起来对抗国米,而国米球迷也愿意接受。

    All in all , it was a case of the Milan and Juve fans both taking on Inter , and the Inter fans happy to take on both the sets as well .

  19. 我们必须联合起来,对抗我们共同的敌人。

    We must band together to fight the common enemy .

  20. 激进改革派正联合起来,对抗渐进派。

    The radical reformers are lining up against gradualists .

  21. 利姆先生随即号召组织一个社会主义统一战线,把他的党跟右翼联合起来,对抗极左派。

    Mr Lim soon called for a united socialist front , which would line up his party with the right wing against the extreme left .

  22. 他们把学校命名为胡沙尔学校,追崇我父亲心中的另一位英雄--胡沙尔.汗.哈塔克,一名斯瓦特南方阿卡拉的战士。他曾在17世纪时,试着将普什图的所有部落联合起来,对抗莫卧儿王朝。

    They named it the Khushal School after one of my father 's great heroes , Khushal Khan Khattak , the warrior poet from Akora just south of Swat , who tried to unify all Pashtun tribes against the Moghuls in the seventeenth century .

  23. 我们也不会忘记在20世纪后半叶,法国和德国联合起来共同对抗俄国,否则莫斯科的共产主义可能会毁灭一切。

    We also mustn 't forget that for the latter half of the 20th century , the French and Germans had to get along or else the Commies in Moscow would just ruin everything and no one would have any iPads today . So that 's good .

  24. 联合国空间技术用于对抗自然灾害讲习班

    United Nations Workshop on the Applications of Space Techniques to Combat Natural Disasters

  25. 其含意就是暗指其它国家联合起来,一致对抗美国霸权的滥施。

    The implication is of others ganging up against the benevolence of US hegemony .

  26. 在经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐和以青蒿素为基础的联合治疗被用于对抗疟疾之前许多年,我们就已经掌握了这些手段有效性的数据。

    And we already had data on the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets and ACTs against malaria years before they were implemented .

  27. 目的观察拉米夫定联合氧化苦参碱对抗慢性乙型肝炎(乙肝)肝纤维化的临床疗效。方法筛选出符合慢性乙肝肝纤维化的患者,分为治疗组48例和对照组38例。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of both oxymatrine and lamivudine on hepatic fibrosis induced by chronic hepatitis B. Methods Patients with chronic hepatitis B hepatic fibrosis were chosen , 48 were in treatment group and 38 in control group .