
  • 网络un millennium summit
  1. 在欧盟筹备对9月联合国千年发展目标首脑会议的贡献之际,本次会议也具有现实意义。

    This conference also has immediate relevance , as the EU prepares its contribution to the September UN summit on the Millennium Development Goals .

  2. 上个月举行的联合国千年发展目标首脑会议推动了政治势头的形成及财政承诺。在当今经济困难时期,这种财政承诺尤其重要。

    Last month 's MDG Summit at the United Nations generated political momentum GetWord (" momentum "); as well as financial commitments that are especially significant in these difficult economic times .

  3. 我感谢你们的指导,并愿向你们保证,我们将把你们的论点、看法、经验和热情带到今年晚些时候举行的联合国千年发展目标首脑会议上。

    I thank you for this guidance and want to assure you that we will be taking your arguments , your views , experience , and enthusiasm forward at the UN summit on the MDGs later this year .