
chánɡ qī xìnɡ
  • Long term;protracted nature;nature of being long-lasting
  1. 它表明了在世界经济一体化事务领域,国际法体制与国内法体制的制度联结得到日益巩固和深化,并更具有长期性和稳定性。

    This transformation indicts that in the area of World Economic Integration affairs , the ties of international legal system and domestic legal system have been consolidated and deepened , and have more protracted nature and stability .

  2. 试论我国数字图书馆建设的长期性

    On the Protracted Nature of the Constuction of Digital Library

  3. 别误会我的意思,这个工作很有意思,可惜不是长期性的。

    Don 't get me wrong , it 's interesting work . But it 's not permanent

  4. 由于macondo事件,bp面临大量长期性问题,包括几乎肯定会出现的进一步管理层变动。

    BP is facing colossal long-term problems as a result of the Macondo incident , including almost certainly further management changes .

  5. 在这篇综述中,我们提出前脑的NMDA受体通过增强谷氨酸性突触传递导致长期性的炎痛。

    Here we propose the hypothesis that forebrain NMDA receptors play an important role in persistent inflammatory pain by re enforcing glutamate sensory transmission in the brain .

  6. 同样,像FSA打压明星投资银行家长期性保底奖金之类的举措,只应针对大型机构,而不适用于小型机构。

    Similarly , initiatives such as the FSA 's crackdown on long-term guaranteed bonuses for star investment bankers ought to apply to large institutions rather than small ones .

  7. 该研究是一项长期性皮肤癌预防试验的组成部分,覆盖了903名55岁以下、居住在澳大利亚楠伯(Nambour)(靠近该国的阳光海岸(SunshineCoast))的成年人。

    This study , part of a long-running skin-cancer-prevention trial , covered 903 adults younger than 55 living in Nambour , Australia , near the country 's Sunshine Coast .

  8. 为保证间作的稳定性和长期性,建议实行大行距(30m以上)间作方式。

    It is suggested that the poplar spacing be-tween rows should be over 30m and its branches should be pruned regularly to ensure the stability and long-term of the intercropping system .

  9. 美国代谢与减肥手术学会(AmericanSocietyforMetabolicandBariatricSurgery)儿科手术委员会主席科克&12539;理查德(KirkReichard)指出,没有数据显示手术不会影响年幼儿童的长期性成熟发育或认知机能。

    Kirk Reichard , chairman of the pediatric-surgery committee for the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery , notes that there are no data to show that surgery doesn 't affect young children 's long-term sexual maturation or cognitive functioning .

  10. 就长期性而言,两党目前的计划充其量只能算是国会遮掩秃顶(comb-over)的手法而已。

    Stepping back to the longer term , we need to keep in mind that both of the current bills proposed are really nothing more than congressional comb-overs .

  11. 市场经济体制下农业资源综合开发的长期性

    The Endurance of the Agricultural Resource Development under the Market Economy

  12. 第二,它是一种长期性的成本管理;

    Secondly , it is a kind of long-term cost management ;

  13. 试论地震前兆长期性前兆异常的探讨

    A DISCUSSION ON SEISMIC PRECURSOR Exploration of long-term precursory anomalies

  14. 然而实际利率的下降是长期性的。

    Yet the slide in real interest rates is longstanding .

  15. 生物监测具有长期性、累积性和综合性等特点。

    Biology supervise feature is long-term , accumulate and synthetical .

  16. 违反教育规律的长期性;

    Third , it violates the long-term educational law .

  17. 主题标引是一项长期性、基础性工作。

    Subject indexing is a long term basic work .

  18. 我国买方市场的初级性及长期性

    On the Protracted Nature of the Primary Stage of Chineses Buyer 's Market

  19. 因此,这个领域的研究将具有长期性和动态性。

    So the research on urban poverty will be in long-run and dynamics .

  20. 顶级交易具有长期性(至少八年)与全球性。

    Top-tier deals are long-term ( at least eight years ) and global .

  21. 危险废物对环境危害的长期性和潜在性,正引起高度重视。

    Dangerous wastes have been regarded seriously about longer and potential harm of environment .

  22. 这要求我们要认清文化建设的长期性和复杂性;

    This request us to recognize the long-term and complexity of the culture construction ;

  23. 不过辐射性落尘导致的长期性伤害。

    Long-term damage from radioactive fallout , however .

  24. 因此新型农民法律意识培育的过程是一个具有长期性和渐进性的过程。

    The cultivate course is long-term and gradualness .

  25. 加强形象建设,是新闻队伍面临的一项长期性的重要工作。

    Strengthening image building is a long-term task confronted by the ranks of journalists .

  26. 论信用建设的长期性

    On the Protracted Nature of Credit Construction

  27. 税源管理是税收征收管理的一项经常性、长期性重要的基础工作。

    Sources management is the tax levy a regular , long-term basis for important work .

  28. 阐述了网络安全防护工作的长期性、动态性;

    It clarifies that the network security and protection are a long-term and dynamic job ;

  29. 劳动力市场统计性歧视的起因、长期性和反歧视措施研究

    On Statistical Discrimination in the Labor Market : Causes , Long-term Existence and Anti-discrimination Measures

  30. 他表示,兼职教授没有时间投入长期性的规划。

    Adjunct professors don 't have the time to commit to something long-term , he says .