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  • 网络Roadwork;training run
  1. 赛制改革后女子长跑训练研究

    The Research of Women Long-distance Race Training after Race System Reform

  2. 感谢收看“怎样进行马拉松长跑训练”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Train To Run A Marathon

  3. 利用高原基地进行中长跑训练的重要意义

    The Importance of Highland Training for Middle and Long Distance Runners

  4. 试论心理调整在高校中长跑训练中的应用

    On the Application of Psychological Adjustment in University Middle-distance Race Training

  5. 中长跑训练方法的演进及其规律研究

    Study on the Upgrading Rules of Middle-long-distance Running Training Methods

  6. 中长跑训练中人为影响因素的研究

    Man-made factors influencing modern middle and long distance race training

  7. 对世界中长跑训练方法的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Training Method of Middle-and Long-Distance Race in the World

  8. 中长跑训练模式初探

    An Inquiry into Medium - long Race Mode of Training

  9. 通过中长跑训练可以对坚韧性品质培养起到促进作用。

    Tenacity may be improved through middle distance running training .

  10. 中长跑训练中不容忽视的因素:集中注意力

    On Concentration : one factor that cannot be neglected in long distance running

  11. 中长跑训练中施用方法问题的探讨

    Talking about Method Application in the Training of the Middle-Long Distance Running Events

  12. 浅析中长跑训练法

    Simple analysis of the training methord about middle-long running

  13. 并计算了应力强度(?)控制运动量是提高长跑训练成绩的有效手段

    Athletic Intensity Controled Is an Efficient Way for Improving the Achievement of the Long-Distance-Race

  14. 中长跑训练系统可靠性问题的研究

    A study on the reliability of training system of middle and long distance running

  15. 中长跑训练与昼夜节律

    Training of Middle-long Distance Race and Circadian Rhythm

  16. 中长跑训练中的组合训练法

    The Combined Training Method of Middle-Long Distance Running

  17. 以下是怎样进行马拉松长跑训练的一些基本训练。

    Here 's some basic advice on how to train to run a marathon .

  18. 浅谈郊外练习对青少年中长跑训练的重要性

    Importance of Exercises Training Adolescent 's Medium or Long & Distance Runners in the Countryside

  19. 定向越野应用于农村中学生中长跑训练的实验研究

    Study on Orienteering used in Training of Middle and Long Distance run in Rural School

  20. 血乳酸测试在中长跑训练中的应用

    The Application of Blood Lactate Test in the Training of Middle and Long Distance Runners

  21. 标准速度间歇跑在中长跑训练中的运用

    The Application of the Regular Standard-speed Running in the Training of Middle-distance and Long-distance Runners

  22. 方法分析胫骨疲劳和疲劳骨折19例25侧肢体,均有持续高强度长跑训练史。

    Methods To analyse 19 limbs of 25 cases with high strength long distance running history .

  23. 以上就是我对马拉松长跑训练的一些建议。

    So , that 's some basic advice on how to train to run a marathon .

  24. 中长跑训练是一个综合性的训练。网络远程教育和媒体优化

    The training of the medium and long distance run is comprehensive . network long - range education and medium optimization

  25. 本文讨论人体生物节律中昼夜节律对成绩的影响,以及如何把它运用于组织中长跑训练。

    This paper has explored the influence of circadian rhythm on the results and how to use it to train .

  26. 利用文献资料法,对中长跑训练方法中组合训练法的发展过程和特点作了综述。

    Through using the method of literature , this paper summarized the characters and developing process of combined training method of middle-long distance running .

  27. 中长跑训练中如何对待腿部力量的训练,采用什么方法,世界上不少著名教练均有不同的看法。

    Many famous coaches keep different views on the importance of the lower limbs ' muscle strength of mid to long distance runners and their training ways .

  28. 心率和血乳酸在中长跑训练中的应用微创血肿清除术治疗高血压脑出血病死率分析

    The Application of Heart Rate and Blood Lactate in Middle-term and long-term Running Practice ; Analysis of Mortality of Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage Treated with Micro-invasive Evacuation of Hematoma

  29. 用趣味耐力游戏对高职女生进行中长跑训练,寓中长跑教学于娱乐之中。

    In middle and long distance run training , interesting stamina games are used for amusement , to avoid the tedium of conventional training routine and to gain enthusiasm of trainees .

  30. 各种以军事用途为目的的军事训练,如西周时期的射艺和御艺(驾车)以及明朝军营的长跑训练。

    Various forms of physical training for military purposes , such as archery and charioteering in the Western Zhou Dynasty and long-distance runs in the army camps of the Ming Dynasty .