
  • grow taller;Get taller
  1. 她开始发胖并长高了。

    She is starting to put on weight and grow taller .

  2. 听说打篮球可以使人长高。

    I heard that playing basketball makes people grow taller .

  3. 尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。

    Nick 's grown almost an inch in the last month .

  4. 中国南方生长着一棵已有1,700年历史的茶树,高100多英尺,而且还在不断长高。

    There is a 1,700-year-old tea tree still living in southern China which is more than 100 feet tall and counting .

  5. 他稍微长高了一点。

    He has grown a little taller .

  6. 这两年的工夫他长高了三英寸。

    He has grown three inches within the last two years .

  7. 妈妈说:“啊,乔,你又长高了一英尺。”

    Mother said ," I declare , joe , you 've grown a foot . "

  8. 这矮树丛几个月来已向上长高了很多。

    This bush has grown up a lot in the last few months .

  9. 她想要长高点。但我告诉她“浓缩的是精华”(goodthingscomeinsmallpackages)。

    She would like to be taller.But I tell her that good things come in small packages .

  10. 双通道共电极双波长高同步射频波导CO2激光器

    A tunable RF excited waveguide CO_2 laser with dual-channel , high synchronism and co-electrode

  11. 电子能谱研究生长高质量CeO2/Si异质结

    Electron Spectroscopy Studies of the High Quality CeO_2 / Si Heterojunction Fabrication

  12. GrownOver长高了莫诺湖的高茎草和灌木林沿着凝灰岩地层的底部生长起来。

    Mono Lake 's tall grasses and shrubbery are shown growing along the bottom of this tufa formation .

  13. 中国肉类协会(ChinaMeatAssociation)副秘书长高观说,其中一个问题是中国没有足够的食品检查员。

    Gao Guan , the deputy secretary of the China Meat Association , said one problem is that China does not have enough food inspectors .

  14. 因此,构建和完善吉长高铁CDMA网络的覆盖具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , construction and perfect , tall iron CDMA network coverage has important practical significance .

  15. 但是在身高方面(儿童偏矮),则是另一番状况了:GDP增长可以促进儿童长高,而农业增长则无能为力。

    But when it comes to stunting ( children who do not grow as tall as they should ) , it is the other way round : GDP growth produces the benefit ; agriculture does not .

  16. 沃尔玛连锁公司(Wal-MartStoresInc.)中国业务首席执行长高福澜(GregForan)说,由于泰森提供了安全可控的产品供应,沃尔玛的风险降到了最低。

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. ' s chief executive for China , Greg Foran , says Tyson has helped minimize the retailer 's risk by providing a safe , controlled supply .

  17. 在《安妮:纽约奇缘》(Annie)里,她长大了,也长高了,不再像个小精灵,开始有了青春期的笨拙,但是不管怎样,她的魅力还是有增无减。

    In " Annie " she is older and taller , less pixieish and closer to the awkwardness of adolescence , but , if anything , her ability to charm has only increased .

  18. 必和必拓首席执行长高瑞思(MariusKloppers)曾安抚中国政府说,即便卡特尔式价格谈判的旧体系最终破产,全球现货市场也能提供足够的资源,还有人记得这番话吗?

    Remember BHP Billiton chief executive Marius Kloppers reassuring Beijing that the global spot market would provide , even as the old system of cartelized price negotiations fell apart ?

  19. 必和必拓首席执行长高瑞思(MariusKloppers)表示,谈判结果证明,他们关于澳大利亚铁矿石价值的理由是正当的,但他拒绝谈论该结果更深一层的影响。

    Marius Kloppers , chief executive of BHP , said the negotiations'outcome validates arguments about the value of Australian iron ore , but he refused to discuss any further implications .

  20. 我甚至答应真主,如果我能再长高一点点,我就会再多做一百次raakatnafl(除了每日必须要进行的祷告以外,自愿额外进行的祷告。),在原本每日五回的祷告基础上心甘情愿地增加一百次。

    I even promised Allah that if I could grow just a tiny bit taller I would offer a hundred raakat nafl , extra voluntary prayers on top of the five daily ones .

  21. 从我上次见到这些孩子以来他们又长高多了。

    The children had leapt up since I last saw them .

  22. 长高的野草在寒风中象鳗鲡似的蠕蠕游动。

    The tall grasses undulated like eels under the north wind .

  23. 这种激素在儿童和青少年时期会刺激身体长高。

    These stimulate body growth , particularly during childhood and adolescence .

  24. 岁着树的不断长高,树阴也越来越浓密了。

    With the tree grown tall , we get more shade .

  25. 我女儿个子长高了,所有的旧衣服都不合穿了。

    My daughter has grown out of all her old clothes .

  26. 个子长高了,理想也变了。

    The stature long has been high , ideally also changed .

  27. 由于一些挡土结构的长高比较小,墙后土体两侧受到约束。

    Some retaining walls have small ratio of length to height .

  28. 挤压形成这些高耸的山峰,它们迄今还在继续长高。

    Thrusting up these immense peaks , which are still rising .

  29. 她似乎一天天地长高了。

    Day by day she seems to grow a little taller .

  30. 现在我们长高了,就觉得圣诞树很矮。

    Now we are tall , and Christmas trees are small .