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  • 网络Pelargonium graveolens;Geranium;rose geranium
  1. 根据试样对二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH·)的清除作用,评价了香叶天竺葵茎和叶精油及其单体,以及蒸馏后的残渣和废水的抗自由基活性。

    The antioxidant effects of essential oil and monomer as well as residue and waste water after distillation from buds , stems and leaves of Pelargonium graveolens were studied by the method of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl free redical ( DPPH ·) .

  2. 香叶天竺葵的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Pelargonium graveolens

  3. 其香气特征与云南产香叶天竺葵(Pelargoniumgraveolens)精油不同,更接近印度波尔蓬香叶油的香气。

    The odor characteristics of the essential oil of Pelargonium roseum was different from that of P. graveolens Produced in Yunnan and was similar to that produced in Bourbon .

  4. 龙眼+香叶天竺葵模式的生物量及其相关指标高于其它2种模式。

    The biomass and correlative indexes of Longyan + Rose geranium model are higher than the other 2 model .

  5. 从对土壤改良效应来看,龙眼+香叶天竺葵模式明显优于其它2种模式。

    As to the soil improvement effect , the longyan + rose Geranium model obviously excel the two other models .

  6. 各模式对局地小气候都有一定的调节作用,其中龙眼+台湾青枣模式龙眼+香叶天竺葵模式龙眼单作模式。

    Each model has regulate function to local microclimate , and the effect is Longyan + Taiwan Green JujubeLonggan + Rose Geranium Longyan monoculture .

  7. 综合3种模式的生态经济效益分析,龙眼+香叶天竺葵模式和龙眼+台湾青枣模式优于龙眼单作模式。

    Synthetically analyze the 3 models eco-economic benefit , the Longyan + Taiwan Green Jujube and Longyan + Rose geranium models are better than Longyan monoculture .