
suàn tóu
  • the head of garlic
蒜头 [suàn tóu]
  • [head of garlic] 由蒜瓣构成的蒜的鳞茎,略呈球形

蒜头[suàn tóu]
  1. 稀有植物蒜头果基因组DNA提取方法的研究

    Improvement of genomic DNA extraction methods for the endangered plant Malania oleifera

  2. B1施肥条件下,蒜头的产量较高。

    Garlic yield was higher in B1 treatment .

  3. 大蒜收获后,分析测定了蒜头的10种必需营养元素和Se的不同组分以及新鲜蒜头品质(大蒜素、维生素C)。

    After the garlic bulbs were harvested , 10 essential mineral elements , different Se components and the fresh quality ( Allicin , Vitamin C ) of garlic were determined .

  4. BCA法测定新的植物毒素&蒜头果蛋白质量浓度

    Protein Concentration Determination of a Novel Plant Toxin from Malania oleifera by BCA Method

  5. 再加上大蒜所富含的锰、维生素C、维生素B6和硒,不难明白为什么你家的厨房里总有蒜头。

    Consider the supply of manganese , vitamins C and B6 , and selenium in garlic , and you can see why it should always have a home in your kitchen .

  6. 蒜头果中一种新的植物蛋白(malanin)的分离纯化

    Isolation and purification of a novel plant protein from Malania oleifera

  7. 低温处理72~102d的所获蒜头大小、重量和蒜瓣数显著小于对照。

    Form , weight and scaly bud number of clove treated for 72 ~ 102d were lower than those of control .

  8. 瘤状物的研究表明:该瘤是蒜头果根部组织的一部分;

    The nodule is a part integrated to the root tissue .

  9. 珍稀濒危植物蒜头果种群生命表分析

    Life-table Analysis of Malania oleifera , A Rare and Endangered Plant

  10. 新的植物毒素蒜头果蛋白的荧光光谱研究

    Fluorescence Spectra Study of a New Toxic Protein from Malania Oleifera

  11. 珍稀植物蒜头果组织培养的研究

    The Study on the Tissue Culture of Precious Plant Malania Oleifera

  12. 蒜头糖厂绕行厂区的观光列车。

    The tourist train ran around the factory , Suan-Tou Station .

  13. 蒜头糖厂的观光列车停靠于蒜头车站。

    The tourist train of Suan-Tou Sugar Factory , Suan-Tou Station .

  14. 游客较少时的短编加班观光列车,蒜头糖厂。

    A shorter tourist train for less tourists , Suan-Tou Station .

  15. 硒浓度对大蒜假茎粗和蒜头横径无显著影响。

    Selenium concentration has no significant impact on cauloid and transverse diameter .

  16. 加入蒜头及厨师再一两分钟就好。

    Add the garlic and cook another minute or two until fragrant .

  17. 撒旦带来了千岛酱和蒜头面包。

    And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing and garlic toast on the side .

  18. 菜脯、蒜头、辣椒、葱切末。

    Dried radish , garlic , pepper , onion mince .

  19. 用平车制成的陆桥和臂木式号志机。蒜头车站。

    A flat car was to be a bridge at Suan-Tou Station .

  20. 计算表明第7层碳砖的侵蚀比较严重,象脚或大蒜头处于该层。

    Calculation shows that the 7th layer of carbon brick suffers severe erosion .

  21. 蒜头果蛋白性质的鉴定及其中性糖含量的测定

    Glycoprotein Property Identification and Neutral Sugar Content Determination of Malanin in Malania oleifera

  22. 几颗蒜头两颗紫洋葱。

    Some locally grown garlic and two purple onions .

  23. 也知蒜头可辟邪。

    They do know too garlic has anti-spirit power .

  24. 大蒜蒜头黑腐病病原菌鉴定

    Pathogen identification of black rot disease of garlic bulb

  25. 把蒜头分成蒜瓣。

    Split the head of garlic into separate cloves .

  26. 放蒜头及加入米,炒拌后加入白酒。

    Add garlic and pour in the rice , stir and add white wine .

  27. 切开裂口在羊腿的关节位置上,将蒜头塞进里面。

    Make a slit near the knuckle and place the garlic into the slit .

  28. 蒜头、大葱、姜片下油镬走油,或略为爆香亦可。

    Deep fry garlic , welsh onion and ginger or stir fry until aromatic .

  29. 蒜头果种腐病研究初报

    A Research on Seed Rot of Malania oleifera

  30. 把我最多的感谢献给称俺“大叔”的蒜头。

    Give my most thanks to the garlic head who call me elder uncle .