
  • 网络Garlic cruel you
  1. 近年来我国物价上涨已成为一个不争的事实,豆你玩、蒜你狠、姜你军、糖高宗等网络新词的不断涌现表明物价的持续快速上涨对居民的日常消费生活造成了重大影响。

    The inflation of prices is an indisputable fact in recent years . And the rapid rise on price of beans , garlic , ginger and sugar indicates that it has a big impact on our daily consumption .

  2. 蒜(算)你狠便是其中之一。这三个汉字原意为你赢了,而在中文里,算与蒜发音相同。人们用蒜你狠来讽刺今冬大蒜和其他食品价格的飞涨。

    This three-character expression , which originally meant " you win " with the first character carrying the same pronunciation as garlic in Chinese , is used to satirize soaring garlic and food prices this winter .