
  • 网络garlic sauce
  1. 面包涂抹用蒜酱的研制

    Study on Production of Garlic Sauce for Bread Coating Food

  2. 在面包里面涂些橄榄酱或香蒜酱会更好吃。

    Spread the inside of the loaf with olive paste or pesto sauce for extra flavour

  3. 他忘了买香蒜酱让我很生气。

    He couldn 't remember pesto and it pissed me off .

  4. 风味油辣蒜酱罐头的生产工艺

    Production technology of flavorous oil and hot mashed garlic can

  5. 我之前从没吃过香蒜酱

    I 've , I 've never had pesto sauce before

  6. 他们是至关重要的香蒜酱,并轻轻烤美味。

    They are vital for pesto sauce , and are delicious lightly toasted .

  7. 再刷上少许橄榄油或香蒜酱。

    Brush lightly with more oil or pesto .

  8. 我把香蒜酱放在了全苗长意面上。我太喜欢这道菜了。

    I put my pesto sauce into whole wheat spaghetti . I like this dish so much .

  9. 其他新上榜污渍还有日本烧烤酱、榄油、蒜酱以及橘黄色的藏红花调料留下的印迹。

    Also new on the list were teriyaki sauce , olive oil , pesto sauce and the orange-yellow colors of saffron .

  10. 素披萨:将面团刷上橄榄油或香蒜酱,上面铺上切成薄片的茄子、洋葱、西红柿、蘑菇和马苏里拉奶酪。

    Vegetarian : Brush dough with olive oil or pesto , then top with slightly overlapping thin slices of eggplant , onion , tomato , mushrooms and mozzarella .

  11. 番茄蒜蓉酱的研制

    Development Study of ketchup Made of Tomato ang Mashed Carlic

  12. 根据《自然杂志》的报道,麦基为我们提供了一个接受香菜的食谱:香菜蒜香酱。

    As Nature reports , McGee offers a strategy for building up an appreciation for the herb : Try a cilantro pesto .

  13. 以新式葡萄牙料理为核心,单品菜单的内容可能有乳猪配柳橙马铃薯,牛里脊配骨髓蒜蓉酱,或是鲈鱼配海草和贝类。

    Centered on nouveau Portuguese cuisine , the à la carte menu might feature suckling pig with orange and potatoes , beef loin with bone marrow and garlic pur é e , or sea bass with seaweed and bivalves .

  14. 颜色文化&白色蒜蓉豆豉酱白点结晶问题的研究

    Prevention of the White Spots Crystallizing in Black Bean and Garlic Sauce

  15. 蘸点咸咸的豉油和酸酸的蒜蓉辣椒酱,丝滑的鸡肉和松软的米饭搭配得浑然天成。

    With a slightly salty soy sauce gravy and a sourish chilli-garlic blend , the silky chicken and fluffy rice were the perfect match .

  16. 芝士条的美味来自棒!约翰独特工艺的新鲜面团、特制的蒜香奶油酱和100%的纯正芝士,附送新鲜美味的比萨酱。

    A great tasting blend of Papa John 's fresh dough , Special Garlic Sauce and100 % real cheese , served with Pizza Sauce .

  17. 蒜蓉番茄酱的最佳配方为大蒜45%、番茄汁38%、食盐3.5%、蔗糖5%。

    And the best formula of garlic ketchup includes fresh garlic paste 45 % , tomato ketchup 38 % . salt 3.5 % and sugar 5 % .

  18. 将鸡蛋、蔬菜和虾仁摆放在盘里,饰以芹菜。把蒜容蛋黄酱盛在四个碗里摆在旁边,趁热沾酱食用。

    Divide the aioli among 4 bowls . Arrange eggs , vegetables , and shrimp on plates . Garnish with parsley . Serve warm , with the aioli on the side .

  19. 蒜蓉调味品和蒜蓉番茄酱的加工工艺

    Process of mashed garlic spicy catsup and garlic ketchup