
  1. 角膜损伤是眼科常见病,常致视力严重损害。

    Corneal injury is common in ophthalmology .

  2. 应用药物治疗角膜移植术后免疫排斥,一直是眼科角膜病专业研究的重点内容之一。

    For keratoplasty , it is very important to research effective drugs to reduce the immunologic rejection .

  3. 眼睑恶性肿瘤是眼科常见病,其中眼睑基底细胞癌、鳞状细胞癌及眼睑皮脂腺癌最多见,并称眼睑3大恶性肿瘤。

    Malignant eyelid neoplasms are common eye diseases , among which basal cell carcinoma , squamous cell carcinoma , sebaceous carcinoma are most common .

  4. 目的:细菌性角膜炎是一种眼科常见病,多发病,也是主要的致盲性眼病。

    Objective : Bacteroidal keratitis is a common ophthalmic disease . , and it is still the main ophthalmopathy which may lead to blindness .

  5. 视网膜退行性变性疾病包括多种眼科常见病(如视网膜色素变性、年龄相关性黄斑变性等),严重影响患者的视力。

    Many ocular fundus diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration are retinal degeneration diseases , which may lead to visual loss .

  6. [背景及目的]白内障已成为世界范围的眼科主要致盲病之一。

    [ Background information and Objective ] Cataract is one of the worldwide major blindness-causing eye diseases .

  7. 目的:TAO是眼科临床常见眼眶病病因之一,患病率在眼眶疾病中居首位。

    Purpose : TAO is the most common cause of ocular deseases , the incidence of which is at the top place .

  8. 试探中医对眼科血证的病因病机、治则及遣方用药的认识。

    Try to explore the causa morbi and mechanism , also the description of ophthalmological blood symptoms in TCM .

  9. 正确认识和合理使用眼底血管造影等眼底病基本检查诊断技术,全面提高眼科医师的眼底病认知水平是今后需要解决的问题。

    Appropriate understanding and applying basic diagnostic techniques of ocular fundus disease and comprehensive promoting the professionals'levels are an urgent problem needs to be solved .