
  1. 第三,保持眼神交流。

    Third , keep eye contact .

  2. 但如果你在美国面试,你应该和面试官进行眼神交流。

    But   if   you 're   at   an   interview in the US , you should make eye contact with   the   interviewer .

  3. 在欧洲的大多数国家,当你和他们交谈时,人们希望进行很多的眼神交流,但在许多亚洲国家,眼神交流是不友好的。

    In most countries in Europe people expect a lot of eye contact when you talk to them , but in many Asian countries a lot of eye contact seems unfriendly .

  4. 一群人中的一个掏出自己的iPhone之后,很快其他人也一个个开始玩iPhone,最后所有的谈话和眼神交流都停止了。

    Shortly after one person in the group brings out his or her iphone , the rest follow suit , ultimately ending all conversation and eye contact .

  5. 然而,男婴比女婴笑得少,女婴也会有更多的眼神交流。

    Boy babies , though , do smile less than girl babies , who also make more eye contact .

  6. 肢体语言专家格拉斯说,老板的愤怒的迹象包括没有靠向你,和你没有眼神交流,当Ta坐着的时候,Ta的脚尖没有指向你。

    Glass , a body language expert , said that signs of a boss 's irritation include leaning back from you , not making eye contact , and pointing his or her feet away from you when seated .

  7. 该中心研究负责人沃伦•琼斯(WarrenJones)说,这个小组在继续探寻、理解男孩女孩在眼神交流方面的这些不同,而这又凸显出了我们在女孩自闭症病症上的无知。

    The group is continuing with its work to understand these differences in engagement with the eyes , which highlights just how little is known about how autism manifests in girls , said Warren Jones , research head at the center .

  8. 威斯康星大学(UniversityofWisconsin)的工业与系统工程教授、驾驶员安全与自动化问题专家约翰·李(JohnLee)说,遇到这种情况时,人类通常会“进行眼神交流。在行进中,他们会对谁有先行权达成协议”。

    The way humans often deal with these situations is that " they make eye contact . On the fly , they make agreements about who has the right of way , " said John Lee , a professor of industrial and systems engineering and expert in driver safety and automation at the University of Wisconsin .

  9. 双肩紧收,脖子伸长,每一步的距离大约一到两个步子的宽度,Reiman说道,直接走向你的面试官,身体的其他部位都应朝着对方,保持偶尔间断的眼神交流。

    Shoulders pulled back and neck elongated , each stride should be roughly one to two feet wide , Reiman says . Walk directly toward the person you are meeting with every body part pointing in his direction , maintaining eye contact with occasional breaks to the side .

  10. 和陌生人或熟人打招呼时需要简短的眼神交流。

    Friendly gestures involving strangers or associates require brief eye contact .

  11. 始终和客人保持眼神交流。

    Maintain good eye contact with the guest at all times .

  12. 眼神交流:眼神交流在法国意味着平等。

    Eye Contact : Making eye contact means equality in France .

  13. 怎么了?我只是做了一个眼神交流。

    Uh oh . What ? I just made eye contact .

  14. 关于眼神交流的风俗也因各个文化而异。

    The proper customs for eye contact vary between cultures , too .

  15. 彼此喜欢的人之间有更多的眼神交流。

    There is more eye contact between people who like each other .

  16. 在台上最关键的肢体语言或许应该是眼神交流。

    Perhaps the most important physical act onstage is making eye contact .

  17. 其中之一就是多做眼神交流。

    One of them was to make more eye contact .

  18. 站直、昂起头并保持眼神交流。

    Stand tall , hold your head upright and make eye contact .

  19. 他们对视着,瞬间用眼神交流着某些事情。

    Their eyes met and something flowed between them in an instant .

  20. 由此可见,在西方文化中,眼神交流是及其重要的。

    Therefore , in western cultures , eye contact is highly valued .

  21. 他是否很难跟你进行眼神交流?

    Does he find it difficult to keep eye contact with you ?

  22. 同样也要考虑一下眼神交流。

    Also , have a think about your eye contact .

  23. 频繁的眼神交流意味着诚实与直率。

    Frequent eye contact is interpreted as honesty and forthrightness .

  24. 要与面试官的眼神交流。

    Don 't maintain good eye contact with the interviewer .

  25. 点头、眼神交流都表示你听得很专心。

    Nod and make eye-contact to show that you 're paying attention 。

  26. 是长官瞧莱奈尔眼神交流

    Yes , Ma'am . You see , Lionel ? Eye contact .

  27. 如果单独见到他,不要和他进行眼神交流。

    Avoid eye contact if you see him in person .

  28. 再次强调,不要忘记眼神交流。

    And don 't forget that eye contact once more .

  29. 通常,他们会进行更多的眼神交流。

    And quite often , they make more eye contact .

  30. 如果没有眼神交流,你可能会被认为没有礼貌。

    If you do not have it , you might be considered impolite .