
yǎn yǐnɡ
  • eye-shadow
  1. 女孩子如果把眼影涂得过重,看起来就不自然了。

    When girls put on too much eye-shadow , they look plastic .

  2. 用蓝色眼影衬托你的黑眼睛。

    Blue eye-shadow to set off your black eyes .

  3. 她在眼睑上涂了些亮彩眼影。

    She brushed gloss on to her eyelids .

  4. 由于应用了增强现实技术(AR),美妆相机可以精确地探测到使用者的面部特征并进行虚拟化妆,——它不仅可以给用户的自拍相片涂眼影、睫毛膏,甚至能改变用户的发式。

    Using Augmented Reality ( AR ) technology , Makeup Plus can accurately detect a user 's facial features and apply virtual makeup - eyeshadow , mascara products and even hair styles - to the user 's selfie .

  5. 造型师Julie首先用电热卷把Angela的头发电卷,然后以柔和的中性色调妆,浅粉红色的眼影和唇彩。

    First Julie puts Angelas hair in hot rollers and then she prepares her face with soft neutral toned makeup , with a light pink accent on the eyes and lips .

  6. 你还可以参与到一些循环利用化妆品的活动中,例如MAC开展的一项活动,这项活动让你可以用六个空化妆品容器换一个新的眼影、润唇膏、口红。

    There are programs out there that let you recycle your makeup , such as MAC , which has a program that lets you exchange six empty containers for a new eyeshadow , lip gloss , or lipstick .

  7. 今年一月份,女性栏目曾经报道过其他在日本流行的病态妆容,包括卧蚕眼(aegyosal),女性通过在眼部打眼影或是贴胶带“创造”出眼袋。

    In January this year , Femail reported on other sickly Japanese make up trends including aegyo sal , which involves women creating bags under their eyes using shading or tape .

  8. 蓝色眼影化妆师在穿MichaelKors、RebeccaMinkoff、JennyPackham和KateSpade礼服的模特脸上戏剧化地扫了一层蔚蓝色的眼影来象征春天的蓝色天空。

    Blue Eye ShadowThe makeup artists at Michael Kors , Rebecca Minkoff , Jenny Packham , and Kate Spade channeled spring 's blue skies with a dramatic sweep of cerulean shadow .

  9. 丝芙兰表示,自从2016年推出“虚拟艺术家”后,眼影和口红已经被试用2亿多次。包括卡尼尔和德国DM在内的多个品牌也已经推出了试妆应用。

    Sephora says more than 200 million shades have been tried on through Virtual Artist since it was launched in 2016 , and a host of other brands , from Garnier to Germany 's DM , have launched " try on " apps , too .

  10. 29岁的Katy脸上化着精致的妆容,眼睛化了深棕色眼影,亮粉色唇彩和她红润的脸颊互相映衬。

    The 29-year-old was flawlessly made up with a picture-perfect covering of cosmetics , her eyes accentuated with dark brown liner , her lips painted a glossy pink hue to match her rosy cheeks .

  11. 法国化妆品巨头丝芙兰(Sephora)曾考虑采用璀璨兰花紫用作一款染发剂的颜色,但最终还是放弃,转而决定只将其用于唇彩、腮红、指甲油和眼影产品。

    French cosmetics giant Sephora considered using radiant orchid as a hair color , but backed off , deciding instead to focus on lips , cheeks , nails and eyes .

  12. 不过,必不可免地也会擦掉一点眼影。

    This may necessitate touching up your eye shadow a bit .

  13. 用发光的眼影涂在眼皮上,最后用黑色睫毛油。

    Apply shimmery shadow over eyelids and finish with black mascara .

  14. 有这种颜色的低变应原性眼影膏吗?

    Do you have a hypoallergenic eye shadow in this color ?

  15. 你要不要试试看粉红色的眼影?

    A : Would you like to try pink eye shadow ?

  16. 她的容妆由绿色眼影和粉色腮红组成。

    She is wears light green eye shadow and pink blush .

  17. 而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。

    And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin .

  18. 忘了浓重的眼影和眼底粉吧。

    Forget the heavy coats of eye shadow and foundation .

  19. 涂跟膝盖瘀伤颜色一致的眼影的女孩,

    girls who had eyeshadow to match their scraped knees ,

  20. 她还是淡灰色眼影和深唇线的妆容先驱。

    She was also a pioneer of soft grey eyeshadow and heavily-lined lips

  21. 同时散粉还能突出眼影和腮红的效果。

    Bronzer can also double for eye shadow and blush .

  22. 当然不会,我们画眼影了!

    Of course not ! We 're wearing eye shadow !

  23. 如何用眼影来造成醒目的颜色对比?

    How can you break out of a colour rut with eye shadow ?

  24. 今天早上,我老婆搽了眼影,画了眼线,抹了睫毛膏。

    This morning my wife put on eye shadow , eyeliner and eyelashes .

  25. 2.眼影打底

    Step 2 : Add A Base Of Eye Shadow

  26. 7我抹上粉(眼影/腮红/口红)。

    I put on powder ( eye shadow / blusher / lipstick ) .

  27. 可能用眼影复制了拇指指纹

    and probably eye shadow to transfer the thumbprint . Whoa , whoa .

  28. 用眼影来增大你的眼睛。

    Use eye shadow to heighten you eyes .

  29. 粉红色眼影现在就是我们所说的用粉红色看起来很美!

    Pink Eye Shadow Now here 's what we call looking pretty in pink !

  30. 你也要眼影刷吗?

    Do you want eye lashes , too ?