
  1. 此项专题将提供一个测量眼睛屈光异常(包括散光)的低成本折射计。

    The goal of this project is to provide a lowest cost refractometer that will measure refractive errors in the eye including astigmatism .

  2. 而角膜是人眼的重要组成部分,对眼睛的屈光度影响最大。

    Cornea & as one of the most important part of eye affects the refraction of the eye most .

  3. 其实手术后眼睛的屈光度有所改变,配戴眼镜一般可令视力更佳。

    In fact , the refractive state of the eye will be altered after surgery , spectacle is still usually needed for better vision .