
yǎn yào
  • medicament for the eyes;eye ointment;eyedrops;eye ointment eyedrops;ophthalmic
眼药 [yǎn yào]
  • [medicament for the eyes ;eye ointment eyedrops] 治疗眼疾的膏状或液体药品

眼药[yǎn yào]
  1. HPMC也可被使用作为涂层形成溶液用于药片的包衣涂层,特别在眼药制备方面。

    HPMC is also used as a suspending and thickening agent in topical formulations , particularly ophthalmic preparations .

  2. 加替沙星眼凝胶剂兔眼药动学及生物利用度研究

    Ocular pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of gatifloxacin ophthalmic gel in rabbits

  3. 眼药滴瓶口颈细菌污染原因分析

    Study on the reason of eye medicine dropping-bottle 's bottleneck bacterial contamination

  4. 图为一只正在通过滴眼药器进食的小狐猴。

    A young mouse lemur gets its daily sustenance from an eye-dropper .

  5. 拿来那个眼药水瓶,把它放在那杯水里面。

    Take the eye-dropper and put it into the glass of water .

  6. 他们给我滴了眼药

    They gave me these eye drops , okay .

  7. 一种抗真菌眼药的体外抑菌实验研究

    A research of antifungal eye agents experiment to control the fungus in the exterior body

  8. 结果:41.66%的眼疾患者有使用过期眼药的嫌疑。

    Results : The patients of 41.66 % had a suspicion of using outdated ophthalmic drugs .

  9. 历史上以黄龙洞眼药、八定紫金锭等药物而驰名。

    Huanglong hole in the history of ophthalmic drugs , eight for Zijin spindles and well-known drug .

  10. 家兔干眼模型的角膜上皮超微结构及几种眼药的疗效

    Ultrastructural Changes of the Corneal Epithelium of the Experimental Dry Rabbit Eye Model and Effects of Several Topical Eye-Drops

  11. 这些滴眼药及片剂通常是治疗的首选。

    These eye drops , and medicines in pill form , are usually the first method of treatment used .

  12. 有了,我们有眼药水瓶,一枚硬币,一些肥皂液,和一杯水。

    Yes , we 've got an eye-dropper , a coin , some liquid soap and a glass of water .

  13. 2000~2002年武汉同济医院滴眼药利用情况分析

    An Analysis of Eye Drops Used for Ophthalmic Diseases in Tongji Hospital in Wuhan Areas During 2000 ~ 2002 Period

  14. 然后,拿眼药水瓶,装肥皂水,看你可以在硬币上放多少水。

    Next , take the eye-dropper , fill it with the soapy water and see how many drops you can fit onto the coin .

  15. 每逢六日,我都要去药房给奶奶买药,并为奶奶配置眼药。

    Every time round on sixth , I will go to pharmacy to buy medicine for grandmother , and install the eye drops for the grandmother .

  16. “药物治疗可以降低眼压,但这意味着终身治疗,每天三次滴两或三种眼药,”Assia教授说。

    " There are drug treatments that can reduce the intra-ocular pressure , but that means life-long treatment involving two or three kinds of eye drops three times a day ," says Prof.