
  • 网络eye tracker;eye-tracking;eyelink II;eye view monitoring system
  1. 眼动仪记录儿童的反应时、注视时间、注视点数、注视位置等数据。

    Eyelink II was used to record the response time , fixation time , fixation points , and fixation location , et al .

  2. 使用ASL504型眼动仪,采用2×3的混合实验设计,记录和分析24名被试在两种材料呈现方式下,对图片分类结果和分类过程中的眼动数据。

    Model 504 Eye tracker was used in the experiment . The experiment was 2 × 3 mixed design . Classification index and eye movements index were investigated including 3 sets of different stimuli pictures which were presented in 2 conditions of 24 undergraduates whose sights were normal .

  3. 驾驶员动视点测试系统实验仪器为眼动仪EMR-8B(EyeMarkRecorder-8B),是把眼球运动重叠在视野影象上的一种测试系统。

    The driver 's testing system of dynamical focus point Experiment apparatus is EyeMark Movement Recorder-8B , a testing system that can superpose eyeball'movement on the image of visual field .

  4. 本研究采用EyelinkⅡ眼动仪对不同类型家具的审美偏好进行考察,共有36名不同年龄被试参与实验。

    Eyelink ⅱ was used to study the aesthetic preference among various kinds of furniture using .

  5. 此外,主要依据FCB网络模型将产品分为高卷入度产品和低卷入度产品两种类型。研究采用眼动仪作为实验仪器,以大学生群体作为研究被试。

    Besides , mainly based on the FCB network model , product type was classified into high and low involvement product . Experimental apparatus was eye tracker , subjects were university students .

  6. 采用2×2×4三因素混合实验设计,使用美国应用科学实验室(ASL)生产的504型台式眼动仪,对不同年级学生解比较应用题过程中的解题指标和眼动指标进行分析。

    The study used a 2 × 2 × 4 mixed design to analysis the behavior of students of different grades in solving comparison problems through the Model 504 Eye Movement System made by the American Applied Science Laboratory .

  7. 实验以眼动仪为主要实验设备。

    The experiment device was a Eyelink ⅱ system made in Canada .

  8. 眼动仪与眼电图检查正常人扫视运动的比较研究

    Comparison between an eye tracker and EOG in recording saccades

  9. 眼动仪是用于心理学实验研究的大型精密仪器。

    Eye-movement apparatus is a large precision instrument applied to psychological experiment .

  10. 摘要目的使用眼动仪进行疲劳检测。

    Objective to detect fatigue using eye tracking system .

  11. 人机交互中基于眼动仪的输入技术研究

    Input Technique Based on Eyemark in Human-computer Interaction

  12. 实时眼动仪系统眼神经性肌强直

    A Real Time Eye Movement Measuring System

  13. 基于眼动仪的疲劳检测方法

    Fatigue Detection Using Eye Tracking System

  14. 所有患者于术前及术后采用眼动仪检查眼震参数的变化。

    All patients in the preoperative and postoperative changes of the eye tracker to check the parameters of nystagmus . 3 .

  15. 一种头盔式眼动仪的注视点定位方法

    In the way energy is saved . An Specific Design of JTAG IP Core A New Methodology for Determining Point-of-Gaze in Head-Mounted Eye Tracker

  16. 本研究以空格为词切分标记,利用眼动仪记录韩国留学生和泰国留学生在阅读不同词切分方式呈现的汉语陈述句时的眼动情况。

    As physical cues , spaces were inserted into sentences to explore the effect of word segmentation on Chinese text reading for Korean students and Thai students .

  17. 眼动仪检查可用于术前指导制定先天性特发性眼球震颤手术方案和术后客观评价手术的疗效。

    The eye tracker checks can be used to guide the development of congenital idiopathic nystagmus surgery program preoperative and postoperative objective evaluation of the efficacy of surgery .

  18. 目前眼动仪的开发主要采用电流记录法、电磁感应法和光学记录法(包括角膜反射法和虹膜&巩膜反射法)三种技术;

    Currently , the development of eye-movement measuring device mainly focuses on electric current-recording method , magnetic-induction method and optical-recording method which includes corneal reflection and iris-scleral reflection methods .

  19. 本实验利用美国应用科学实验室生产的3200型眼动仪对大学生阅读多媒体课件进行监控,记录相关眼动数据。

    Using 3200 model Evm tracker produced by American applied Science Laboratory , we monitored the process of undergraduates ' reading Multimedia courseware and recorded correlate eye movement date .

  20. 最后是内室宜人性的实验验证,在眼动仪实验前要有实验的预判,得出实验数据,归纳出救生舱内室设计的宜人性规律。

    Finally , humane verification of the internal room , to have experiments predict before eye tracking experiment , and get experimental data , summarize refuge chamber internal room design humane rule .

  21. 为了探讨重复学习对于汉语句子理解的作用,采用眼动仪记录10名研究生被试连续5次阅读20个句子时的眼动模式。

    In order to explore the repetition effect of Chinese sentences to the on-line comprehending process , eye movements were recorded in 10 postgraduates while reading 20 sentences . Each sentence was repeated for 5 times .

  22. 最后设计了一种简便的注视点标记方法,利用支持向量回归机实现了对注视方向的估计,实验结果表明低成本眼动仪可以满足日常交互需求。

    Then , a convenient calibration procedure is designed , and the gaze direction is estimated by support vector regression . The experiments demonstrate that the low-cost eye tracker can be used for everyday human computer interaction .

  23. 论文在对驾驶员动态视觉和操作行为分析的基础上,结合眼动仪设计试验方案,通过设计的试验方案研究驾驶员驾驶过程中的感知决策校正模式并研究驾驶员动态视觉对感知决策校正模式的影响。

    In this paper , driver 's dynamic visual characters and behavior characteristics are analyzed . Through the experiment , which designed by the talk-eye , driver 's feeling-decision-adjustment model and dynamic visual characters influence for the model are researched .

  24. 试验在陕西省西宝高速公路的其中一段路程上进行,用眼动仪记录了受试驾驶员在行驶过程中对广告牌的凝视时间及视角等数据。

    The test was made on a section of the Xi ' bao highway in Shaan ' xi province , the instrument recorded the drivers ' gazing time , visual angles and other data to advertisements in highway during the test .

  25. 本文操控情绪的唤醒和效价,借助生物反馈仪、眼动仪,采用记忆研究的再认范式和记得/知道范式,对情绪记忆在编码阶段、巩固阶段和提取阶段的特点进行了系统的研究。

    In this paper , we manipulate emotional arousal levels and valence and investigated emotional memory on encoding phase , consolidation phase and retrieval phase . We used recognition paradigm and remember / know task and measured physiological indicators including biological feedback and eye tracking .

  26. 使用眼动仪及车速记录仪记录了5种试验条件下3名驾驶员在驾驶过程中的眼动行为和车速数据,分析了不同通道宽度条件下的车速变化特征、驾驶员眼动特征和操作行为特征。

    Eye movement behavior and vehicle speed datum of 3 drivers were recorded with eye movement tracking device and vehicle speed recorder when driving in 5 test conditions . Vehicle speed variation characteristics , together with driver 's eye movement and operation behavior characteristics in different passage width were analyzed .

  27. Model310眼动追踪仪测量年轻人AC/A的初步研究

    A preliminary study of AC / A ratio measurements with Eye tracker Model 310 in young people

  28. 目的分析眼动追踪仪测量的青年受试者包括正视者与迟发性近视者AC/A的差异。

    Objective To assess the difference of AC / A ratio measured with Eye tracker in young people including emmetropes and late-onset myopes .

  29. 方法通过对眼动追踪仪的合理设置和调整,记录眼球水平运动,并通过相关软件对数据进行分析和计算。

    Methods Properly set and adjusted , the eye tracker was used to record the horizontal eye movement , then analyze the data by correlative software .

  30. 用眼动追踪仪对第二语言为英语的20名视力正常大学生阅读不同文化语境与难度英语材料的眼动过程进行了记录。

    An eye tracking device recorded the eye movements of 20 college students with normal eyesight doing English reading comprehension of different cultural language backgrounds and reading levels .