
  • 网络osgood;Peter Osgood;C.E.Osgood
  1. 同时、我们斯坦福桥皇帝奥斯古德的也过世了。

    Then came the shocking news that the King of Stamford Bridge , Peter Osgood , had died .

  2. 比赛之前,切尔西对上月突然去世的奥斯古德致以深切的悼念。

    Before the game , Chelsea had paid tribute to Peter Osgood , who died suddenly last month .

  3. 加拿大最大的法学院奥斯古德厅法学院,亦是其中最受人尊敬的学院。

    Osgoode Hall Law School , Canada 's largest law school , is also among the most respected .

  4. 不行,明天我没时间去狩猎会。我&我得去参加奥斯古德太太的生日舞会。

    ' No , I haven 't got time to go hunting tomorrow . I-I 'm going to Mrs Osgood 's birthday dance . '

  5. 给学校的学生进行了演讲。奥斯古德逝世一周年,俱乐部在这天宣布已经委托为切尔西之王塑造一尊半身像。塑像将坐落于在东看台招待处。

    It is the first anniversary of Peter Osgood 's death , and the club announces it has commissioned a lifesize bust of the'the King'which will stand in the East Stand reception .

  6. 奥斯古德表示:如今资本支出需求大幅增长,而企业面对的是一个不正常的合同环境,大环境则是伊拉克已四分五裂。

    What you have now is a massive increase in capital expenditures requirements in a dysfunctional contract environment , coming up against the fact that Iraq is broke , said Mr Osgood .