
  • 网络verhal communicatlon
  1. 字是言语交往活动的基本结构单位;

    The character is the spoken language contact basic structure unit ;

  2. 关于师幼言语交往的数量。

    About the quantity of teacher - child speech communication .

  3. 本研究是一项关于幼儿园师幼言语交往的个案研究。

    This is a case study about teacher-child speech communication in kindergarten .

  4. 幼儿园师幼言语交往研究

    A Study on Teacher-Child Speech Communication in Kindergarten Speech Community

  5. 师幼言语交往以教师为主导,绝大部分交往由教师发起。

    Teachers initiate most of the communication , in which they play a leading role .

  6. 第三部分是对师幼言语交往的量的研究分析及结论、质的研究分析及结论。

    The third part is the qualitative and quantitative analysis and conclusion for teacher-child speech communication .

  7. 本研究的一般性结论为:关于师幼言语交往双方的角色地位。

    The general conclusion of the thesis is : About the roles of both sides in teacher-child speech communication .

  8. 语文教育是因应人的交往活动对于言语交往能力的需要而立科的,定位于言语交往教育。

    The reason of establishment of language education is from people 's communication activities ' meet to competency of speech communication , language education should be is located at speech communication education .

  9. 所以现在不管人们的文化背景如何,他们在非言语交往中也遵从礼貌原则来减少不礼貌的表达,增加礼貌的表达。

    At present , no matter what the cultural backgrounds of people are , they adhere to the Politeness Principle to minimize the use of impolite nonverbal expressions and maximize the use of polite ones .

  10. 作为展开于主体间以消除争议、谋求共识为目的的言语交往行为,辩论或论辩在近年来逐渐进入了逻辑学的研究领域。

    Chinese logicians have recently found themselves interested in the logical analysis of debate which is understood as a kind of intersubjective speech communication and aimed at the elimination of disputes and the pursuit of consensus .

  11. 汉字能力的定义是:在言语交往背景下,个体对汉字音、形、义以及它们之间联系的规律的掌握与运用的心理特征。

    The Chinese character ability definition is : Under the spoken language contact background , the individual rule grasping which to the Chinese pronunciation , the shape , righteousness as well as between them relates with the utilization psychological characteristic .

  12. ⑶从总体来看,回族幼儿同伴交往活动中动作及伴随着言语的动作交往比率比言语交往比率高出32个百分点。

    Totally speaking , the rate of making use of sign language and sign language accompanying with langue in the activities among the Hui infants peer is higher than their langue communication by 32 percent .

  13. 言语能力与人际交往能力决定了大学生今后的社会适应能力。

    It is oral ability and interpersonal skills that decide undergraduate 's social adaptation in the future .

  14. 方法性知识目标包括信息的搜集、处理、发布、评价;能力目标包括问题解决能力及创造能力、言语能力、人际交往能力。

    Methodological knowledge objectives include the collection , processing , dissemination and evaluation of information , and competence objectives include creativity , problem solving ability , verbal ability and interpersonal skills .

  15. 前者固然是很重要的形式,然而脱离非言语行为配合的单一的言语行为往往难以达到有效的交际目的;非言语行为在人际交往过程中起着不可忽视的作用。

    Although the former is a more important form in the process of communication , it is difficult to achieve the communication goal without the cooperation of nonverbal communication . Nonverbal communicative signals play an important role in interpersonal communication process .