
  1. 它的抒情言志说、六义论及其以政教观为核心的诗学功能论对后世的诗论家们长期产生深刻的影响。

    Its lyric and poetics function bring a great influence to the aftertime commenter .

  2. 诗言志说中的志,其原初内涵应包括心理活动的各个方面。

    The original intension of " aspirations " in " poetry expresses the aspiration of its writer " should include every aspect of psychology activities .

  3. 另一方面,从艺术本质论即言志与缘情说加以探讨,而创作中的比兴、物感等理论亦是人物形神交流会通的结果。

    On the other hand , from the artistic nature of the wills and Sentimentality and creative energies in the books , the sense of things such as character and spirit theory is the result of the exchange will pass .