
  1. 这间鞋店正缺乏售货员。

    The shoe company is in want of salespeople .

  2. 她正同票务员讲话。

    She is talking to the clerk .

  3. 目前,我正谋求办事员的职位,以增加工商企业方面的经验。

    I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business .

  4. 即将于1月份步入结婚礼堂的米斯拉正是其中一员。

    That includes people like Somya Misra , who will be getting married in January .

  5. 一位旅客正和女乘务员谈话,讲他遗失了公事包,忘了带上飞机。

    An airline passenger is talking to the stewardess in-flight about a briefcase he has left behind .

  6. 你的母亲正是其中一员,这些父母们真的很担心自己的孩子会在某一天成长到不再需要他们。

    Your mom is just one of those parents who are really scared that their little boys or girls will someday outgrow them .

  7. 能被称为战术专家的领导者并不多,而如果你正是其中一员,那么你在机动作战中的胜率将大为提高。

    Not many leaders can be considered tactical experts . However , if you are one , then you will significantly improve the odds of your flight in maneuver combat .