
  1. 二是四家诗的师承渊源相同;

    The same school origin of the four scholars ;

  2. 四家诗在汉代不断发展变化,各家内部又不断分化出新的诗派,形成了一祖数宗现象。

    These four schools of poetry had been changing in Han Dynasty , and each of them had divided into new poetry schools , forming a phenomenon of different factions and the same ancestor .

  3. 产生于相同的历史背景之下,隶属于不同的学术范围,《诗纬》与汉代四家诗有相通,却更有不同。

    Shi Wei and the four schools of poem in Han dynasty came into being in the same historical background but belong to different academic fields . As a result , they are of common points but also of more differences .

  4. 战国《诗》学传播中心的转移与汉四家《诗》的形成

    The Transfer of the Center of Diffusing The Book of Songs in the Warring States Period and The Formation of Four Schools of The Book of Songs in Han Dynasty