
  1. 翌年第四军又缩编为第十七师。

    The following year and the fourth cut from the17th Army Division .

  2. 普拉克索和罗匹尼罗的这种促中脑细胞存活的作用可以第四军探大学博卜学位论文通过条件培养液传递。

    This promoting effect of pramipexole and ropinirole could be transferable via conditioned medium . 3 .

  3. 同时,还要肃清机会主义和盲动主义的残余,打破四军本位主义。

    At the same time , eliminate the remnants of opportunism and putschism and break down the selfish departmentalism of the Fourth Army .

  4. 大家看看红军第四军第九次党代表大会的决议就可以了解。

    You can see this by reading the resolution adopted at the Ninth Party Congress of the Fourth Army of the Red Army .

  5. (七)少数同志囿于四军的局部环境,以为除此就没有别的革命势力了。

    Unable to see beyond their limited environment in the Fourth Army , a few comrades believe that no other revolutionary forces exist .

  6. 红四军妇女武装体现的中国妇女参战的意义。

    The significance of Chinese women taking part in the War which was showed out by the women legion of the fourth red army .

  7. 若不彻底纠正,则中国伟大革命斗争给予红军第四军的任务,是必然担负不起来的。

    Unless these ideas are thoroughly corrected , the Fourth Army cannot possibly shoulder the tasks assigned to it in China 's great revolutionary struggle .

  8. 国民革命军新编第四军抗战有功,驰名中外。

    The New Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army has won fame both at home and abroad by its distinguished service in the War of Resistance .

  9. 他们的这种错误意见,就是今年八月湘赣边界失败以及同时红军第四军在湘南失败的根本原因。

    Their wrong ideas were the root cause of the defeats sustained last August by the Hunan-Kiangsi border area and by the Fourth Red Army in southern hunan .

  10. 江西红军独立第二、四团是创建东固革命根据地的重要支柱,对救援红四军做出了突出贡献。

    The Second and Fourth Independent Regiments of Jiangxi Red Army are important supports for establishing Donggu Revolutionary Base , making great contributions for backing the Fourth Red Army .

  11. 因此,前四项虽然至今还是红军第四军的骨干,但已远不如后二项多。

    Thus although the first four categories remain the backbone of the Fourth Red Army to this day , they are now far outnumbered by the last two categories .

  12. (六)本位主义,一切只知道为四军打算,不知道武装地方群众是红军的重要任务之一。

    Selfish departmentalism & they think only of the Fourth Army and do not realize that it is an important task of the Red Army to arm the local masses .