
  1. 4400/420四叠网多缸造纸机变频传动控制系统

    The transducing and transmission control system of 4400 / 420 four fleeting multi-cylinder paper machine

  2. 介绍了山东昌华造纸机械公司制造的4400/420四叠网多缸纸板机交流变频传动控制系统的配置、结构、工作原理等。

    The paper introduces the configuration , structure and operating principle etc. of the AC transducing and transmission control system in 4400 / 420 four fleeting multi-cylinder board machine made by Shandong Changhua Paper Machinery Company .

  3. 突破传统和弦的禁锢,开拓新的音响思维&贝尔格《钢琴奏鸣曲》Op.1主部主题中四度叠置和弦的结构特征与发展手法

    Break Through the Shackles of Traditional Chords , Open Up Original Sound Thoughts / Structure Features and Developing Techniques of the Fourth Chord in Berg 's Piano Sonata Op.1

  4. 擀出后四片状叠起来的厚度和中心大概相等。

    The total thickness of four points is about the thickness of the center dough .

  5. 混合碳四烯烃叠合利用工艺技术研究

    Study of C_4 Olefin Polymerization Technology

  6. 其原型盆地经历了镶嵌、交错、披盖、再镶嵌等四个叠置过程。

    The prototype basin has undergone mosaic , cross , drape and mosaic four superimposed processes .

  7. 英语中唯一有四队叠词的单词是热气球飞行员。

    The only word in the English language that has4 sets of double letters in a row is balloonneer .

  8. 概念性规划依照“绿心”理念,将现状、社会、生态、艺术四层面叠合、构建,形成绿色生态休闲空间。

    According to the concept of " green core "; by overlapping four layers-existing features , society , ecology and art , this scheme plans a green ecological leisure space .

  9. 作品中大量使用四度叠置和声和增三和弦的反传统和声语汇,采用线性对位的复调技法,旋律织体半音化、全音化,速度力度对比反差极端鲜明。

    The work applied a great many nontraditional harmonies & fourth chord and augmented triad , polyphonic techniques of linear counterpoint , melodic texture presented as semitones and full tone series , with distinct contrast of dynamics and speed .

  10. 第四个人在叠好、粘好的纸板周围绑丝带,而第五个人在最终产品上做标记。

    The fourth had to tie a ribbon around the folded , taped cardboard , while the fifth had to make a mark on the final product of some kind .

  11. 150K四级自动复叠制冷系统设计

    Design of auto-cascade refrigeration system at 150K

  12. 四种新喹啉叠氮化合物的合成及其与某些金属离子的反应

    The synthesis of four new quinoline azide compounds and their reaction with metal ions

  13. 四孔关节联轴器叠片强度综合计算的研究方法

    Research on Synthetic Computation of the Strength of the Joint Laminated Membrane of a Four-Hole Laminated Membrane Coupling