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  • Four years;four more years;quadrennium
  1. 美国每四年举行一次总统选举。

    In America , presidential elections are held every four years .

  2. 据估计,这项工程将持续四年。

    It is estimated the project will last four years .

  3. 总统的任期不得超过两届,每届四年。

    The presidential mandate is limited to two terms of four years each .

  4. 总统任期四年。

    The president occupies the position for four years .

  5. 他同癌症斗争了四年。

    He battled cancer for four years .

  6. 过去的这四年里他们吃了不少苦。

    These last four years have been hard on them .

  7. 教皇福尔摩苏斯上任四年半后去世。

    Pope Formosus died after a pontificate of four and a half years .

  8. 保罗是自学的,他四年前才开始对摄影产生兴趣。

    Paul is self-taught and became interested in photography just four years ago .

  9. 与四年前相比,现在女性每周要多抽两支烟。

    Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week , compared with four years ago

  10. 这一和解协议结束了代表居民提起的超过四年之久的诉讼。

    The settlement ends more than four years of litigation on behalf of the residents .

  11. 其中一名囚犯恬不知耻地自称是种族主义者,他曾在四年前向一群人开枪射击。

    One of the prisoners is a self-proclaimed racist who opened fire on a crowd four years ago .

  12. 他痛惜他四年的生活就因大腿根部的伤被毁掉了。

    He lamented that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to his groin .

  13. 美国人每四年选一次总统。

    Americans elect a president every four years .

  14. 二战期间德军占领法国达四年之久。

    During World War ii , german occupation of France lasted four years .

  15. 它沿袭了于1961年创始的OSCAR计划的成就。在这一计划中,一个总部设在美国的团队于前苏联人造卫星发射后的第四年,建造并发射了第一枚非政府卫星。

    It continued the efforts , begun in 1961 , by Project OSCAR - a U.S. - based group that built and launched the very first nongovernmental satellite just four years after Sputnik .

  16. 鲁宾诺夫认为,有很多的四年制学校关心这些学生,为学生准备了大量的资源和项目,但他说这个数量还不够多。

    And while Rubinoff believes there are a good number of four-year schools that truly care about these students and set aside significant resources and programs for them , he says that number isn 't high enough .

  17. 例如,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校只承认其第一代学生的毕业率"远低于"所有四年内毕业的学生的毕业率,即81%。

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , for instance , admits only that the graduation rate for its first-generation pupils is " much lower " than the percentage of all students who graduate within four years ( 81 percent ) .

  18. 即使他们认为读大学是很多人想要实现的目标,但是52%的人认为,年轻人要楒成功并不需要四年的大学教育。

    Even though they see going to college as a fairly achievable goal , a majority — 52 percent — think that young people do not need a four-year college education in order to be successful .

  19. 那是四年前的事了。

    That was four years ago .

  20. 四年前,她为了找人说说话还得请报童喝饮料。

    Four years before , she 'd had to offer her paperboy a drink to have someone to talk with .

  21. 事实上,就薛的年龄而言,她在这四年中遇到了许多困难。

    In fact , for her age , Xue had many difficulties during the four years .

  22. 四年后,包括马云、他的妻子和他的朋友在内的18人在杭州创立了阿里巴巴。

    Four years later , 18 people including Ma , his wife and his friends founded Alibaba in Hangzhou .

  23. 四年前,乔尔克林放弃了杂志编辑的工作,成为了一名广告自由撰稿人,但现在他遇到了经济困难。

    Four years ago , Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become afreelance copywriter for advertisements , but now he had money trouble .

  24. 他在大学受了四年正规教育。

    He received four years of normal edication at college .

  25. 自从他去了伦敦,已过了四年

    Four years have elapsed since he went to London .

  26. 京沪高铁开通运营的第四年即2014年以来连续实现盈利。

    The railway has also stayed profitable since 2014 .

  27. 我国每四年一次人口普查。

    The census is taken one time every four years in our country .

  28. 战争拖延了四年

    The war was protracted for four years .

  29. 每四年闰年一次。

    Leap year recurs every four years .

  30. 四年前,延安接待游客4020万人次,旅游收入228亿元。

    Four years earlier it had 40.2 million visitors and earned 22.8 billion yuan from them .