
  1. 除了一段短暂的和平,那场战争持续了九年。

    Apart from a brief interlude of peace , the war lasted nine years .

  2. 九年来他使该党起死回生几乎要执政了。

    In nine years he has brought his party back from the dead almost to the brink of power .

  3. 斯坦尼什是安第斯文明考古领域的权威人士,他花了九年时间在ebay上追踪文物买卖,他也寻求美国缉私机关的帮助,探访那些伪造文物的作坊。

    Stanish is an authority on Andean archaeology . he 's been tracking antiquities on eBay for nine years .

  4. 九年制义务教育正在逐步实施。

    The system of nine-year compulsory education is being implemented .

  5. 如今在九年之后回想起来,我记不清这些大学的哪一点令它们看起来好许多。

    Looking back now , nine years later , I can 't remember exactly what it was about these universities that made them seem so much better .

  6. 第十八条国家实行九年制义务教育制度。

    Article 18 The State applies a system of nine-year compulsory education .

  7. 第三,在教育上,政府实行了九年免费义务制教育,对农村的孩子上职业学校实行免费,同时对大学和农村高中阶段的教育实行奖助学金制度,对困难地区农村寄宿制学校给予补贴。

    On education , the government has provided nine-year free compulsory6 education , and offered free vocational education and subsidy7 and scholarship for high school students in rural areas .

  8. 九年前她加入了IBMRational软件的测试团队。

    She joined IBM Rational software nine years ago in the test organization .

  9. 《自然》杂志(Nature)称,这九年里,锌束活跃了553天,发射的锌原子数超过1.3乘以10的20次方。

    Over the course of those nine years , the beam was active for 553 days and launched more than 130 quintillion zinc atoms , according to Nature .

  10. 这是大约九年前的事情,也是ChristinaGreen出生的那一天。

    That was a little over nine years ago , the same day that Christina Green was born .

  11. 九年前,他离开了北卡罗来纳州三角研究园(ResearchTriangle)的一家软件公司,拿着只相当于过去三分之一的薪水,想要过不一样的生活。

    He left his job at a software company in North Carolina 's Research Triangle nine years ago , taking a two-thirds pay cut , to make a bigger difference .

  12. 九年前对商务社交网站LinkedIn的投资便是其中之一。

    Such was the case with LinkedIn ( lnkd ) nine years ago .

  13. 九年前,他离开了北卡罗来纳州三角研究园(ResearchTriangle)的一家软件公司,拿着只相当于过去三分之一的薪水,想要“过不一样的生活”。

    He left his job at a software company in North Carolina 's Research Triangle nine years ago , taking a two-thirds pay cut , to " make a bigger difference . "

  14. 皮克斯九年以来第一次全年没有发行电影,而是让《恐龙当家》(TheGoodDinosaur)重新开始。

    Pixar , for the first time in nine years , did not release a movie , sending The Good Dinosaur back to the drawing board .

  15. 某些2-连通(n,n+3)-图的色唯一性他是洋基队连续九年分区冠军中,投手群唯一没有变动的一味。

    Chromatic Uniqueness of Certain 2-Connected ( n , n + 3 ) - Graphs ; He has been the one constant through the Yankees ' nine straight division titles .

  16. 根据联盟的消息,休斯敦火箭队主力姚明已决定结束他在NBA九年的职业生涯。

    According to league 's sources , Houston Rockets'center Yao Ming has decided to retire after nine seasons in the NBA .

  17. 九年前,Ain'tItCoolNews网站创始人哈利·诺尔斯在提名公布之前发布了一份所谓的初选名单。

    Nine years ago , Ain 't It Cool News creator Harry Knowles posted a list of so-called preliminary selections the day before that year 's nominees were to be announced .

  18. 上市不足九年的谷歌(Google,财富美国500强排名第55),便以录用员工时的严格而闻名。

    Google ( GOOG , Fortune 500 ) , No. 55 less than nine years after going public , is famous for the rigor with which it makes hiring decisions .

  19. 九年CBA曾七年夺冠,缔造了中国篮球的传世神话。

    It has won the championship of CBA seven times in nine years , which has created the myth of chinese basketball .

  20. 总部位于波士顿的CSNStores是一家有着九年历史的家居用品零售网站,但在本月早些时候之前从未进行过外部融资。

    Boston-based CSN stores is a nine-year old online retailer of home goods , but had never raised outside funding until earlier this month .

  21. 带着答案去贾森·基德那边,再用这个问题考考他:你觉得卡特进入NBA九年来,最为自豪的一件事情是什么?

    Challenge him with a question : What is the one thing you believe Carter takes the most pride in during his first nine years in the NBA ?

  22. 上诉机构作为WTO体制甚至是国际法领域的一项创新,在过去的九年中在树立成员方对争端解决机制的信心从而维护WTO多边贸易体制方面发挥了积极作用。

    The appellate body , as an innovation in WTO regime even in the field of international law , has been playing an active role in the past nine years in building up WTO member confidence in WTO .

  23. 在公司成立的第九年,我们刚刚发布了最好的产品,那就是Macintosh。我也快要到三十岁了。

    We had just released our finest creation - the Macintosh - a year earlier , and I had just turned 30 .

  24. 由于雅虎公司(Yahoo)九年来首次跌出《财富》美国500强排行榜,公司首席执行官玛丽莎o梅耶尔继去年履新后今年也缺席了本榜单。

    This year , for the first time in nine years , Yahoo is not a part of the Fortune 500 and CEO Marissa Mayer has fallen off the list after making her debut last year .

  25. 但是他们指出,信用评级恢复到3A,最快也要九年功夫,才能实现。而且必须先以明显的改革措施,改良财政状况以及促进经济生产。

    But they noted that the quickest rating recovery took nine years to materialize , and came after enacting significant reforms to improve finances and boost economic output .

  26. 九年积累九年沉淀,厚积薄发,本届起SLF华丽转身移师世博馆举办,全新的包装与形象,定位高起点服务深层次,突出品牌,演绎时尚,汇聚精品,彰显品质。

    After nine years'accumulation and precipitation , our company is so well-grounded that we are going to hold it in the Shanghai World Expo Hall this year with a whole brand-new packaging and image .

  27. 因此,我很想知道私募公司KohlbergKravisRoberts&Co.(KKR)九年前领投贾兹制药公司2.50亿美元这些年来的投资回报如何。

    So I was curious to see how jazz had worked out for Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. ( KKR ) , which led a $ 250 million investment into the company nine years ago .

  28. 1986年,中国开始实施、普及九年义务教育。

    In1986 , China began implementation of universal nine-year compulsory education .

  29. 青藏高原普及九年制义务教育存在的问题与对策

    Problems And Countermoves About Popularizing Nine-Year-System Compulsory Education In Qing-Zang Highland

  30. 九年义务教育三年制初级中学英语教科书文化结构透视

    A Review on the Cultural Structure of Junior English in China