
  • 网络Bao an Lake
  1. 保安湖沉水植物分布的GIS模拟

    GIS simulation on the distribution of submerged macrophytes in Baoan Lake

  2. 保安湖生态因子场格局分析

    Pattern analysis on ecological factor fields in the Baoan lake , china

  3. 保安湖大型水生植物在碳循环中的作用

    The function of the macrophyte in the carbon circulation of Baoan Lake

  4. 保安湖鳜鱼卵巢的周年变化

    The annual changes in the ovaries of mandarinfish from Bao ' an Lake

  5. 保安湖沉水植被恢复及其渔业效益

    Recovery of Submerged Vegetation and Its Fishery Benefit in Bao ' an Lake

  6. 保安湖浮游物和颗粒有机碎屑现存量及季节变动与渔业生产

    Quantities and seasonal variations in seston and particulate organic detritus in Baoan lake and their relation to fisheries production

  7. 1994年在保安湖主体湖区开展围圈养殖草鱼对浮游生物多样性影响的研究,包括围圈内外浮游动物种类组成、密度、生物量和多样性指数的季节变化等。

    In the period of1993 & 1994 , we carried out an experiment of the effect of cultivating grass carp in the enclosure on the biodiversity of zooplankton in Baoan Lake .

  8. 在1995年10月至1996年11月,依据有关种群参数估算了保安湖1试验围拦中麦穗鱼的生产力。

    Production by P. parva from the 1 # experimental enclosure of the Bao-an Lake , Hubei province , was estimated during the period of from October 1995 to November 1996 . Monthly instantaneous growth rate changed with both age and season .

  9. 鉴于国内对于湖泊生态系统的服务评价的研究较少,本文运用生态系统学与生态经济学方法研究了湖北保安湖生态系统的部分生态服务。

    The studies on the services value of lake ecosystem were not been reported before this issue , and this issue firstly attempted to estimate the Baoan Lake ecosystem services and its indirect economic values on the basis of ecological function analysis and some economic methods .