
  • 网络protection parameters
  1. 直流馈线DDL保护参数的设定

    Setting of DDL Protection Parameters for DC Feeder

  2. 晶闸管AC-DC变换器保护参数的选取在国内大部分仅依靠经验公式,致使参数有时产生很大偏差。

    At home , the selection of protection parameters in thyristor AC / DC converter mostly depends on empirical equation . That sometimes results in huge error in parameters .

  3. 基于GPRS网络的阴极保护参数远程测控系统设计

    The Design of Cathode Protection Measurement and Control System Based on GPRS

  4. 将此方法计算得出的保护参数用Saber仿真软件搭建仿真模型,进行了仿真验证。

    The simulation model is established using the software SABER , to verify the calculated protection parameter by simulation .

  5. IKE协议作为IPSec协议族的核心,负责为实施IPSec的双方协商安全保护参数,因此,IKE本身的安全性对于IPSec的正确实施具有关键作用。

    The IKE protocol is the core of the IPSec protocol group and its function is to negotiate about the protection parameter of the two sides which are implementing the IPSec process .

  6. 结果表明:可以通过交流阻抗技术绘制出电荷转移电阻(Rt)对阴极极化电位(Ee,c)曲线,用于分析腐蚀过程的控制机制,指导阴极保护参数的选取。

    The results revealed that charge transfer resistance ( R_t ) vs cathodic polarization potential ( E_ ( e , c )) curves plotted by EIS , which could be used to analyze control mechanism of corrosion process and to select appropriate cathodic protection parameters .

  7. 漏电保护参数与安全的关系

    Relationship between Parameters of Earth-Leakage Protection and Safety

  8. 晶闸管脉冲功率开关保护参数优化计算及其影响

    Optimization and Influence of Safeguard Parameters for Pulse Power Switch Centered on the Thyristor

  9. 长输管道阴极保护参数自动采集系统的应用

    Application of automatic gathering system with negative pole protection parameter in lang to fail pipeline

  10. 埋地管道阴极保护参数的遥测

    Data Telemetering of Buried Pipeline Cathodic Protection

  11. 对油田污水介质中阴极保护参数和阴极保护现场实施中的有关问题进行了分析讨论。

    The cathodic protection parameters and practical technique in polluted water of oil field are discussed .

  12. 为保护参数?

    An Argument for Protection ?

  13. 详细地讨论了生物制品多孔载体干燥过程中的干燥动力学、质量降解动力学、及质量保护参数等。

    To minimize the losses of the product quality , drying of biomass with porous carriers was applied .

  14. 对于保护参数的整定方法、关键元件的参数选择进行了定量分析。

    And also it gives the quantitative analysis of the setting methods of protective parameters and preferences of key elements .

  15. 重点介绍了该项技术应用于航油长输管道时应考虑的几个问题以及阴极保护参数的选择情况,对具体使用情况也进行了论述。

    Several considerations and cathodic protection parameters are highlighted in the application d the technology in long-distance jet fuel pipeline .

  16. 通过实验室静态试验、现场模拟试验和流动海水模拟试验,测定各种参数,然后选取阴极保护参数。

    The parameters of cathode protection were obtained by static testing in lab and the simulations in site and in flowing sea water .

  17. 结果表明,采用极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱可以确定金属材料的在给定的条件下的阴极保护参数。

    Results show that the optimum cathodic protection parameters such as protection potential and protection current could be obtained by polarization curve and EIS measurements .

  18. 结合理论分析确定静态保护参数、在理论分析的基础上,对晶闸管开通过压与动态均压进行研究。

    Theoretical analysis to determine the static protection parameters , the theoretical analysis , based on the thyristor opening pressure and dynamic voltage through the study .

  19. 但是接地网阴极保护参数存在一个最佳值,以往都以经验值来初步确定。

    But the ground network of cathodic protection parameters of the best there is a value in the past in order to have the experience to determine the initial value .

  20. 保护参数选取的不合理,便会产生很高的尖峰电压造成电力电子器件绝缘降低,间歇性放电甚至器件损坏。

    If the selection of protection parameter is unreasonable , it may result in spike voltage , which can decrease the insulation of the power electronic device , intermittently discharge and even damage the device .

  21. 介绍了180km/h内燃动车组微机控制系统硬件和软件的特点、功能及技术参数和保护参数,对内燃动车组微机控制系统的发展方向进行了探讨。

    Microprocessor control system in 180 km / h DMUs is introduced regarding the hardware and software characteristics , functions , technical parameters and protection parameters . The technical trend of microprocessor control system for DMUs is probed .

  22. 本文通过对阴极保护参数测控系统的功能需求分析,结合硬件设备状况和工作环境要求,提出了较为详细的设计方案和实现方法。

    This paper puts forward the blue print for the design and the carry-out method based on the analysis of the functional needs of the system of cathode protection parameter observation and control and the request of the combination of equipment status and working condition .

  23. OFDM系统中保护间隔参数的分析与优化

    Analysis and Optimization of Guard Interval for OFDM System

  24. 密钥协商中所用的匿名DH算法,存在对重要参数不加密的问题。用验证与加密模式结合的方式保护重要参数。

    Anonymous DH key agreement algorithm is used , there is an important parameter of the problem is not encrypted , authentication and encryption mode to combine to protect . 6 .

  25. 由阴极保护测量参数评价管道覆盖层质量

    Evaluation of Pipeline Coating Quality by In-Site Measured Characteristics of Cathodic Protection

  26. 储罐内壁气相阴极保护电化学参数的确定

    Determination of gas phase electrochemistry protective parameters in interior wall of the tank

  27. 埋地管道阴极保护电位参数及电位测试技术研究

    An Investigation of Cathodic Protection Potential and Potential Measuring of Pipe in Soils

  28. 以三相桥式全控整流为例,给出了寻求保护元件参数最优解的工程化方法。

    An engineering-oriented method of snubber components optimization in three-phase full-bridge rectifier is given .

  29. 埋地钢管阴极保护土壤参数测试方法的改进

    Improvement on Measurement Method of Soil Parameters for Cathodic Protection of Buried Steel Pipeline

  30. 功率器件换流过程中保护元件参数的优化

    Optimization of Snubber Parameters in Switching Current