
  • 网络reactor safety
  1. 早上好,这是反应堆安全运行的第二节课,我是,Andrew,Kadak教授,你们现在应该已经认识我了。

    Good morning , this is lecture two of the operation reactor safety course . I 'm professor Andrew Kadak as you probably already know by now .

  2. 核反应堆安全和辐射防护多边基金

    Multilateral Fund for Nuclear Reactor Safety and Radiation Protection

  3. 反应堆安全注射系统的GO法可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Safety Injection System of Nuclear Reactor in GO Methodology

  4. 应用GO法分析了反应堆安全注射系统的典型过程,推导了系统操作过程中各阶段的动态故障概率公式,给出了实际算例。

    This paper analyzes a representative operation process of Safety Injection System of nuclear reactor in GO Methodology , gives the dynamic formulas of failure probability for phases in the operation process of the system , and presents a practical calculating example .

  5. 由于临界热流密度(CHF)与反应堆安全密切相关,所以人们从实验和理论上都已经对该现象进行了广泛的研究。

    Considering the relationship between the phenomena of critical heat flux ( CHF ) and the safety of nuclear reactor , the research of CHF on experiment and theory has been carried in detail .

  6. DYTRAN软件分析了飞机撞击反应堆安全壳的动力学问题,给出了混凝土的变形图和撞击物的速度变化曲线,比较了选用不同材料模式的计算结果,并与经验公式的结果进行了对比。

    The displacement of concrete and velocity curve of airplane is ob-tained . The results of the different material model are compared with empirical formula .

  7. 介绍了5MW供热堆控制棒流体动压传动的原理及运动特性,并着重分析了它对反应堆安全特性的影响。

    The Principles and movement characteries of the hydraulic dynamic pressure drive for control rods in 5 MW district heating reactor are described with stress on analysis of its effects on reactor safety features .

  8. 研究结果可供核反应堆安全设计参考。

    The results can be used for safety design of reactors .

  9. 离心泵主要性能参数与反应堆安全运行

    Main Characteristic Parameters of Centrifugal Pump and Safe Operation of Reactor

  10. 核反应堆安全壳结构形式的选择

    The Choice of the Containment Structure of Nuclear Power Reactor

  11. GB/T5203-1985核反应堆安全逻辑装置特性和检验方法

    Safety logic assemblies of nuclear reactor Characteristics and test methods

  12. 飞机撞击核反应堆安全壳的动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Reactor Containment Subjected to Aircraft Impact Loading

  13. 大亚湾核电站反应堆安全壳预应力技术

    The prestressing system for reactor containment of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station

  14. 反应堆安全壳密封(泄漏)试验的原理与分析方法

    The Fundament and Analysis Method of Reactor Containment Leakage Test

  15. 反应堆安全保护系统综合逻辑电路可靠性比较

    Reliability Comparison of Integrated Logic Circuit for Reactor Protect System

  16. 他们正尽全力确保核反应堆安全。

    They are making the reactors as safe as they possibly can .

  17. 低温核供热反应堆安全壳

    Containment for low temperature district nuclear - heating reactor

  18. 深圳大学微型中子源核反应堆安全性能分析

    The analysis of safety for the miniature neutron nuclear reactor of Shenzhen University

  19. 蒸汽发生器堵管对反应堆安全的影响

    The effect of tube blockage in steam generator on the safety of nuclear reactor

  20. 保护系统和联锁为反应堆安全运行提供保证。

    The protection system and interlock ensure the safety for the operation of the reactor .

  21. 反应堆安全壳的局部泄漏率试验

    Local Leakage Rate Testing for Reactor Containment

  22. 核电厂反应堆安全容器上的闸门。材料闸门。安全技术要求。

    Locks at reactor safety containments of nuclear power plants ; material locks , safety requirements .

  23. 飞机撞击核反应堆安全壳荷载-时间曲线的确定

    The determination of load-time curve for a reactor containment which undergoes the impact of an airplane

  24. 在反应堆安全中,他们观察可能产生问题的,事件,初始的事件在压水式反应堆的领域里。

    In reactor safety they look events that can create problems , initiating events in PRA world .

  25. 核反应堆安全性准则

    Nuclear reactor safety criteria

  26. 反应堆安全控制系统

    Reactor safety control system

  27. 事故瞬态过程中的燃料元件包壳的热点温度是评价反应堆安全的重要参数。

    Fuel-pin cladding temperature under accident cases is an important parameter in evaluating the safety of the reactor .

  28. 他们有反应堆安全,然后还有辐射安全,他们还有防护措施,那就是保障材料。

    And they have reactor safety , then they have radiation safety , then they have safeguards which is the security stuff .

  29. 随着使福岛核反应堆安全行动的继续,政治影响正在贯穿整个日本,甚至全球。

    As the battle to make safe the Fukushima nuclear reactors continues , the political fallout is spreading across Japan and around the world .

  30. 据报道,致力于设立核反应堆安全标准的日本官员,已经得到公用事业或其他产业的支持,并从支持者那里筹到了资金。

    A new report claims Japanese officials tasked with setting safety standards for nuclear reactors apparently got funding from utilities or other industry supporters .