
fǎn xiǎo shuō
  • Anti fiction;anti-novel
反小说[fǎn xiǎo shuō]
  1. 文学传统的履新与反叛&从《莫洛伊》看贝克特的反小说形式实验

    Revival and rebel of the tradition o literature & On Beckett 's experiment on " anti-fiction " style

  2. 此外还有艾米莉·圣约翰·曼德尔(EmilySt.JohnMandel)的反乌托邦小说《11站》(StationEleven);

    Emily St. John Mandel 's dystopian novel " Station Eleven " ;

  3. 他用假名写了一本反战小说。

    He wrote an anti-war novel under an assumed name .

  4. 这便成为文学领域反独白小说的前提。

    That is the premise of anti-monologue in literature .

  5. 而这些恰恰就是反侦探小说要解构的要素。

    These factors are just the points that anti-detective fiction endeavors to deconstruct .

  6. 问:那才是一部反乌托邦小说!

    Q. That 's a dystopian novel !

  7. 另外,反乌托邦小说的一个重要作用就是警示。

    In addition , one of the most remarkable functions of the dystopian novels is warning .

  8. 近来,面向儿童、青少年群体的现代反乌托邦小说大量涌现出来。

    Recently there has been a flood of modern dystopian fiction for children and young adults .

  9. 这种历史认知危机通过不可靠叙事者和反侦探小说题材这两种叙事形式被表达得淋漓尽致。

    The historical epistemological crisis is underlined by unreliable narrators and the genre of anti-detective fiction .

  10. 《黑暗的心》不仅仅是一部反殖民小说,同时也是一部充斥种族优越论之观点的小说。

    Heart of Darkness is full of depictions of Africa as a savage and dark continent .

  11. 本文旨在讨论奥斯特的《神谕之夜》这部后现代主义小说中的反侦探小说叙事艺术。

    This paper seeks to discuss the " anti-detective " narrative in his postmodern fiction Oracle Night .

  12. 已经过时的二元对立的结构模式,造成他的反乌托邦小说的根本缺陷。

    The obsolete dual opposition structure results in the essential flaws in his counter - Utopian novels .

  13. 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》是美国作家斯托夫人于1852年发表的一部反奴隶制小说。

    Uncle Tom 's Cabin , or Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe .

  14. 最为著名的反法西斯小说《顺从者》在1970年被拍摄成同名电影。

    He is best known for his antifascist novel The Conformist , which was the basis for the 1970 film The Conformist .

  15. 《永别了,武器》是他最著名的反战小说。

    A Farewell to Arms , his most famous anti-war novel , relates a moving story happening in the First World War .

  16. 保罗·奥斯特《纽约三部曲》中的反侦探小说叙事艺术绘画记号学三部曲>上海,太阳虹画廊,2007年。

    The Anti-Detective Narrative in Paul Auster s New York Trilogy ; An Semiotic Trilogy , Sunbow Art Gallery , Shanghai , 2007 .

  17. 女性主义反乌托邦小说中对未来所表现的忧患意识具有警世作用,促使人们不断反思。

    While traditional feminist utopian fiction presents a vision of an ideal society , feminist dystopian fiction depicts a nightmarish future world and warns people to reexamine themselves .

  18. 20世纪二三十年代之交形成潮流的现代反战小说,主要呈现两种形态:一是极力渲染战争残酷性的悲剧形态;

    The contemporary anti-war novels which were popular in the 1920s and 30s , mainly come in two forms : tragedies about the bloodiness of wars and comedies ;

  19. 不过,既然在多数反乌托邦小说中,最好的异见者都是那些不快乐的人,难道我们不该提防那些整天乐呵呵的,甚至太过快乐的用户?

    Yet since unhappy people make the best dissidents in most dystopian novels , should we not also be concerned with all those happy , all too happy , users ?

  20. 长期以来,评论界对海明威的反战小说《永别了,武器》中的女主人公凯瑟琳·巴克利的形象争议颇多。

    For a long time , the critical circles have always had a dispute about the image of Catherine , the heroine in Hemingway 's anti-war novel A Farewell to Arms .

  21. 综上述,王火战争题材的小说在中国战争题材小说中是独特的,在世界反法西斯小说中也是一朵奇葩。

    Comprehensive above , the theme of the novel , Wang fires of war in China in the war novels are unique in the world anti-fascist novel is a wonderful work .

  22. 长期以来,作为西方文学史上重要文学现象的乌托邦文学,尤其是乌托邦及反乌托邦小说没有受到应有的重视,这种情况在中国尤其为甚。

    As an important literary phenomenon in the Western literary history , utopian literature or literary utopia ( especially Utopian and anti-Utopian / dystopian fictions ) has not been treated with due emphasis .

  23. 它一反传统小说的线性叙事,把多条故事线索切割成多个情节小块打乱顺序穿插起来,使叙事时间得到了空前的解放。

    It rejects the traditional linear narration , cutting the story into many tiny plots in disorder and linking them again , thus making the narrative time quite free and get great liberation .

  24. 这十本书中还包括了一些经典的小说,乔治·奥威尔的反乌托邦小说《一九八四》排在第5位,哈波·李的《杀死一只知更鸟》排在第7位。

    Classic works of fiction also made up the top 10 , including George Orwell 's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four , which came in fifth place and Harper Lee 's classic To Kill A Mockingbird at number seven .

  25. 而新世纪初先锋小说家的反乌托邦小说更卓显中国乌托邦文学的内在动力,结合中国乌托邦思想和二十世纪革命实践的反思丰富和深化近现代小说乌托邦书写的形态及意义。

    Counter - Utopia novels wrote by Cutting-edge writer outstood intrinsic power in Chinese Utopia literature , and it enriched and deepened shape and significance of near and modern novel about Utopia writing , which reconsidered Chinese Utopia thought and 20th century revolution practice impulse .

  26. 本文将以英国反乌托邦小说中《美丽新世界》、《1984》、《蝇王》以及《发条橙》为研究重点,探讨反乌托邦小说中英雄形象的异化以及乌托邦精神的蜕变。

    This article focuses on the analysis of these anti-Utopia novels - Brave New World , Nineteen-Eighty Four , Lord of The Flies and the Clockwork Orange and probes into the alienation of images of hero in anti-Utopia novels and the spallation of Utopia spirits .

  27. 首先,这本书会逗乐他们,而且这是我所知道的最佳反战小说,风趣幽默地表现了帝国的无意义,军事目标的愚蠢,以及交战各方纯粹的荒谬和残忍。

    First because it would make them laugh , and then because it is the best antiwar novel I know , hilariously dramatizing the pointlessness of empires and the foolishness of military goals and the sheer absurdity and cruelty of people waging war on each other .

  28. 《白银时代》作为反乌托邦小说,以未来虚拟世界来结构故事、表达情感,并将历史与现实的因子融入到未来场景中去,反思与批判意义凸显。

    Silver Age is one of the " anti-utopian " novels , which expressing feelings according to the structure of the virtual world in the future . The factor of history and reality was written into the scene of the future to highlight the significance of reflection and criticism .

  29. 1984年的科学发明是日新月异的,而科学界最具开创性的时刻与乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)的著名反乌托邦科幻小说无关。

    Science was forever changed in 1984 , and the groundbreaking moment had nothing to do with George Orwell 's famous sci-fi dystopia .

  30. 她用化名写了一部反纳粹的小说。

    She wrote an anti-Nazi novel under an assumed name .