
  • 网络An American Dream
  1. 摘要《了不起的盖茨比》以完美的艺术形式向读者诉说了一场美国梦的破灭,揭示出战后美国社会金钱至上、没有感情只有物欲、自私冷漠的现实。

    Fitsgerald in the Great Gatsby reveals the collapse of an American dream with a perfect artistic form and shows that post-war America was reduced to a selfish and indifferent country where money excels over anything else , desires for materials rather than emotions are stressed .

  2. 梅勒在《裸者与死者》、《鹿苑》、《一场美国梦》和《硬汉子不跳舞》中对性别关系中权力关系的再现,揭示了男女平等的性别观。

    Mailers representation of the power relations in the gender relations is a mirror of his deep reflection on the gender issue in contemporary America .

  3. 弗。司。菲兹杰拉德的《大人物盖茨比》是形式导演成的一场“美国梦”幻灭的戏。

    F.Scott . Fitzgerald 's novel The Great Gatsby is a story which mells that an American dream vanished into the thin air .