
  • 网络EURL;one person LLC
  1. 一人有限责任公司财产信用风险防范的法律思考

    On Precaution Against the Property and Credit Risk of One-Person Liability Company

  2. 一人有限责任公司法律规制的路径选择

    The Choice of Way to Legal Regulate One-person Company

  3. 浅析我国一人有限责任公司法律制度

    On the System of One-member Company And Its Law Regulation In Our Country

  4. 一人有限责任公司合法性泛化论析

    An Analysis on the Legitimacy of One-man Company

  5. 因此,我们有必要进一步充实我国的一人有限责任公司法律制度。

    So , it is necessary to enrich law system on one-member company limited further .

  6. 浅论一人有限责任公司的立法完善

    Legislation Perfection of One-person Limited Liability Company

  7. 新《公司法》规定了一人有限责任公司,从而在立法上肯定了一人公司的存在。

    New Company Law provide one-man limited obligation company , since it establishes one-man company by legislation .

  8. 分析了一人有限责任公司适用公司人格否认制度的程序法问题。

    And finally analyses the issues in procedural laws when applying the system of disregarding corporate entity in one-person limited liability company .

  9. 该案的焦点之一,即是一人有限责任公司为股东担保问题。

    A core of this case is centred on the topic of providing guarantee for shareholder by one-person companies with limited liability .

  10. 这不利于我国一人有限责任公司的健康发展和市场主体的完善。

    This is adverse not only to the healthy development of one-member company limited but also to the market main body 's perfection .

  11. 而我国也顺应全球立法趋势,在2006年实施的《公司法》中首次以立法形式确认了一人有限责任公司。

    And China also followed the trend and recognized One-man Limited Liability Company in the Company Law of P.R.C. for the first time .

  12. 尔后,笔者对法国、欧盟和我国一人有限责任公司制度的发展作了介绍。

    Then , the author introduces the development of the legal regimes of one-man company of limited liability in France , in Europe and in China .

  13. 必须看到,一人有限责任公司在实际运行中还会产生各种问题,因此现有的风险防范制度也有待在今后的实践中不断予以完善。

    Moreover , it is commonly accepted that further adjustment to consummate the risk-control system is inevitable in the real practice of One-person Companies in China .

  14. 我国虽然于2005年修订《中华人民共和国公司法》时引入了一人有限责任公司、公司担保等制度,但并未对一人有限责任公司为股东担保问题作出具有针对性的规定。

    Though the company law introduced the legal systems of one-person company with limited liability and company guarantee in 2005 , there is no provisions was provided .

  15. 我国2005年修订的《公司法》也是秉承这样的理念,明确立法承认一人有限责任公司,积极促使一人公司发挥正面作用。

    In 2005 China Company Law amended also take this idea by clearly legislating to admit one-person limited company to prompt the one-man company to play positive roles .

  16. 本法所称一人有限责任公司,是指只有一个自然人股东或者一个法人股东的有限责任公司。

    The term " one-person limited liability company " as mentioned in this Law refers to a limited liability company with only one natural person shareholder or a juridical person shareholder .

  17. 对于一人有限责任公司,世界各国和地区在立法中基本上都经历了从否定到有条件肯定、从有条件肯定到完全承认的过程。

    One-man limited liability companies , on the whole , come through denying , conditional affirming , and completely recognizing in the process of corporate legislation in all nations & areas of the world .

  18. 与1993年《公司法》相比,新《公司法》作了很多修改,其中第二章第三节对一人有限责任公司做了特别规定。

    Compared with the company law of 1993 , the new Company Law made a lot of changes . In the second section III of chapter , it made special regulations on a limited liability company .

  19. 同时第六十四条规定一人有限责任公司的股东对公司财产独立于股东自己财产负有举证责任,否则将承担公司法人人格否认的不利后果,这是《公司法》对法人人格否定的特殊规定。

    At the same time , the sixtieth item stated , the shareholder of one person limited corporation assumed testify obligation for corporation possession autonomously own possession , otherwise it would assume the unfavorable outcome , it was special stipulation .

  20. 在限制性允许立法模式之下,我国一人有限责任公司为股东担保制度之建构应当寻找其合理的理论依据,以寻求正当性。

    By the fixed of legislation mode of restricted permits , the construction of the legal systems of providing guarantee for shareholder by one-person companies with limited liability must be based on the right theory foundation to seek its legitimacy .

  21. 一人有限责任公司的股东通常只为一个自然股东或一个法人股东,较其他公司形式更为缺乏制约与监督,出现滥用公司法人人格的情形也更为常见,严重危害正常经济秩序。

    A limited liability company , the shareholders are usually only a natural shareholder or a juridical person shareholder , than other company form is more lack of restriction and supervision , appear abuse corporate personality of the situation is more common , serious harm normal economic order .

  22. 一个自然人只能投资设立一个一人有限责任公司。该一人有限责任公司不能投资设立新的一人有限责任公司。

    One natural person is allowed to establish merely one one-person limited liability company which shall not set up any further one-person limited liability company .

  23. 一人公司的出现,是经济发展的客观需要和人们对有限责任原则扩大适用的追求,立法应承认一人有限责任公司。

    The appearance of " one person " company is desirable due to the economic development and the expanded pursuit of the limited responsibility principle , so the legislation should admit the existence of " one person " limited company .