
yǐn mínɡ hé huǒ
  • dormant partnership;silent partnership
  1. 隐名合伙:一种应当保护的投资模式

    Dormant Partnership : One Kind of Worth - protecting Investment Mode

  2. 因此,隐名合伙制度在中国的移植有其必要性和可行性。

    Consequently , the transplantation of dormant partnership is necessity and feasibility .

  3. 隐名合伙的可行性分析

    Analysis on Possible of Silent Partnership

  4. 第四章为我国隐名合伙立法的选择与建议。

    The fouth chapter is some options and suggestions of legislation of dormant partnership in our country .

  5. 略论隐名合伙

    Issues On Anonymous Partnership

  6. 正如有学者所说,有关隐名合伙的问题,在外国法学界中是个陈旧的话题,甚至是一个没有讨论意义或研究价值的问题。

    As some scholar said , issues on dormant partnership are obsolete , and even not worth study .

  7. 隐名合伙制度刍议

    On anonymous partnership system

  8. 文章在梳理并评析国内几种具有影响力的学说(合伙契约说、合伙行为说和合伙团体说)之后,主张投资契约是为隐名合伙之法律性质所在。

    After carded and commented several effective national doctrines , the article claimed that dormant partnership is an investment contract .

  9. 隐名合伙与有限合伙比较研究&兼论其同时设立的必要性和合理性

    Comparative Study of Dormant Partnership and Limited Partnership & Concurrently on the necessity and rationality of their establishment at the same time

  10. 我国法律制度至今对隐名合伙这一特殊的经济形态无任何规定。

    Up to the present , our country has no relevant laws and regulations concerning dormant partnership & a special economic form .

  11. 隐名合伙是现代民商法中一项重要的法律制度,对西方国家的经济发展起到了良好的促进作用。

    Dormant partnership is an important legal system in modern civil law , and it greatly accelerates the economic development of western countries .

  12. 船舶挂靠不同于隐名合伙、雇佣关系、代理关系以及联营,其有着不同于这几种制度的独特的特点。

    The affiliation of ship is different from anonymous partnership , employment relationship , agency relationship , joint-operation relationship . It has unique features .

  13. 作为中小企业发展的一种融资手段,对隐名合伙制度进行深入的研究探讨具有社会功能和学术价值,此即本论文撰写之初衷所在。

    An intensive investigation on dormant partnership , which is a means of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises , has social and academic function .

  14. 笔者对隐名合伙制度进行利弊分析和比较,提出建立隐名合伙制度的可行性。

    The researcher analyzed and compared the advantage and disadvantage of this partnership , suggesting the feasibility of the establishment of the dormant partnership institution .

  15. 尤其是在有限合伙制度无法取代隐名合伙的背景下,研究隐名合伙问题显得日益重要。

    Now the topic of dormant partnership has become more and more important under the background that limited partnership system cannot replace the dormant partnership system .

  16. 德日韩等国家,也都是确定了隐名合伙,未确定隐名股东。

    Germany , Japan and Korea and other countries , are also determines the sort of partnership , they did not mention the sort of shareholders .

  17. 最后指出我国有必要在立法上承认隐名合伙制度,但必须辅之以行之有效的措施,从而消除隐名合伙的不利因素。

    It is pointed out at last that dormant partnership shall be admitted by law , together with effective measures in order to eliminate unfavorable factors of dormant partnership .

  18. 笔者在分析比较有关隐名合伙概念及性质不同认识的基础上,对隐名合伙的法律概念及性质进行了界定。

    On the basis of analyzing and comparing various understandings of the concepts and characters of dormant partnership , the author defined the concept and character of dormant parnership .

  19. 隐名合伙是一种契约关系,是合伙的一种特殊表现形式,在大陆法系国家中发展历史比较悠久。

    Dormant partnership is a kind of contractual relationship , partnership is a special form , in the countries of mainland legal system is a long history of development .

  20. 在立法方面,合伙的定义与形式、法人合伙、民事主体地位、责任承担、隐名合伙与有限合伙等问题有待完善。

    The partnership jurisprudence concerning the issues of civil subjective status , assets , liability assumption , form of partnership , sleeping partner and limited partner is more worth researching .

  21. 文章在详细分析国内相关立法模式选择之学理的基础上认为,我国应当尽快通过修改《合同法》的方式构建隐名合伙制度。

    After labored the national doctrines of dormant partnership legislation models , this article put forword that we should construct doctrines of dormant partnership system by amend the Contract Law .

  22. 清偿合伙债务与合伙个人债务的先后顺序、法人之间的合伙、隐名合伙是合伙的三个疑难问题,而合伙债务的承担则是合伙制度的核心。

    There are three knotty problems in the partnership : the sequence of discharging partnership debt and the partner individual debt , the partnership between corporations and the dormant partnership .

  23. 隐名合伙不仅满足了市场主体的不同需求,有效地融通资金,而且隐名合伙的设立,有利于规范投资行为,切实保护投资者和经营者的合法权益,是现代企业制度的必要补充。

    The establishment of dormant partnership can assimilate capital and satisfy various demands of market body as well as standardizing investment activities to protect the legal right of investers and operators .

  24. 结合各国和各地区隐名合伙的相关制度,分析研究了我国隐名合伙现状,并呼吁我国应尽早建立隐名合伙制度。

    Combining with the relative anonymous partnership system of other areas and countries , analyzed and studied the present situation of anonymous partnership in our country , and called for the timely establishment of anonymous partnership system .

  25. 隐名合伙的立法模式选择,权宜之计是通过合同自由的司法解释承认其存在的合理性与正当性,理想方案则是将其作为一种有名合同纳入民法典债编。

    As regard its legislation model , an expedient is to admit its rationality and justice by judicatory interpretation , an ideal one is to prescribe it as a named contract in the debt part of civil code .

  26. 而作为合伙组织中的一种特殊形式&隐名合伙,也焕发出了蓬勃生机,它凭借自身特有的内部组织架构和灵活性已成为适应知识经济发展的一种经营形式和组织形态。

    As a special form of partnership , anonymous partnership also revitalized , by using its unique internal structure and flexibility , it has become a form of management and organization which adapted to the development of knowledge economy .

  27. 隐名合伙关系中隐名合伙人的隐名性暗合了部分国人不愿露富的传统文化心理,具有不同于有限合伙的优势和特色,同时也潜藏着一定的投资风险。

    Anonymity of party reflects people 's custom that they do not like to show off their warfare , it has advantage and character different from limited partnership , but at same time it contains some risk of invest .

  28. 在公司形式快速发展的现代社会,隐名合伙以其强大的生命力仍然普遍存在,并逐渐成为促进经济社会发展的有效而灵活的重要融资方式。

    In the company of the form of the rapid development of modern society , the dormant partnership with its powerful vitality is still prevalent , and gradually become the promotion of economic and social development the efficient and flexible important financing way .

  29. 在我国,隐名合伙这一企业形态虽未被相关法律予以明确规定,但司法实践中的诸多实例足以表明,这种企业形态在我国依然是存在的。

    In our country , the dormant partnership of this enterprise form is not being related laws shall be clearly defined , but in judicial practice of many examples indicates that , this kind of enterprise form in China is still the existence .

  30. 德国、法国、日本、我国台湾等许多大陆法系国家和地区相继规定了隐名合伙制度,该项制度曾以其独特的制度魅力推动这些国家和地区的经济发展,并仍在发挥作用。

    Dormant partnership is stipulated by many countries and areas of civil law , such as Germany , France , Japan , and Taiwan , etc. Dormant partnership had promoted the economic development in these countries and areas and is still at work .