
yǐn rěn
  • bear patiently;forbear
隐忍 [yǐn rěn]
  • [bear patiently] 将事情藏在内心,强力克制忍耐,不作表示

  • 隐忍不发

  • 隐忍以行。--宋. 文天祥《指南录.后序》

隐忍[yǐn rěn]
  1. 成熟的女人会隐忍自己的好奇心保全家庭的完整和精神层面的平静。

    Mature woman would forbear their own curiosity to preserve the family 's integrity and spiritual calmness .

  2. 民众在私权利受到侵犯后不再隐忍,而是实施积极地权利救济。

    People in the private rights have been violated is no longer forbear , but actively implement the right to relief .

  3. 我既有遵循旧礼又不愿过分墨守成规。有时我会选择直接表达自己的想法,但隐忍也是我的性格。

    I am part prude and part non-conformist and I say what I think and dissemble .

  4. 英国人开怀畅饮,他们把隐忍情绪暂时搁置到了一边,尤其是在穆雷(AndyMurray)好不容易在温布尔登获得三连胜之后。

    Pints were passed and the Brits put the self-flagellation on hold at least for a few hours , especially after Andy Murray managed to eke out a three-set win at Wimbledon .

  5. Gans天性乐观向上,温润谦和,从师于三重量级的世界冠军BobFitzsimmons。Bob常常教导他要隐忍克制,要以己之所欲,施之于人。

    Gans , a naturally polite and cheerful man , was tutored always to show restraint by Bob Fitzsimmons , a world champion at three weights ② , who argued that you should do as you would be done by .

  6. 这个顺服隐忍的形象与当年那个热情健谈,喜好自夸的小伙相去甚远——那是在1964年,22岁的他意外击败桑尼·利斯顿(SonnyListon)成为世界冠军。肯塔基州路易斯维尔走出来的小伙子从此一举登上世界舞台。

    That passive image was far removed from the exuberant , talkative , vainglorious 22-year-old who bounded out of Louisville , Ky. , and onto the world stage in 1964 with an upset victory over Sonny Liston to become the world champion .

  7. 我想为我早些时候的隐忍而道歉。

    I just wanted to apologize for being so cryptic earlier .

  8. 这或许就是他的邻国隐忍的部分原因。

    That is part of the reason his neighbours have tolerated him .

  9. 但是当我隐忍的时候,我还是痛的。

    But when I keep calm . I feel hurt .

  10. 也许隐忍的爱才是真正热烈的爱。

    Perhaps bears patiently the love only then is the true warm love .

  11. 极为隐忍,善于压抑自己的感受。

    Has great endurance and is very good at suppressing his own feelings .

  12. 因突遭一击而退缩隐忍。

    Thy sovranty , recoiling with a blow .

  13. 生活让我学会了隐忍。

    Life has taught me to bear .

  14. 很多人为了避免这种结果,往往采取隐忍的态度;

    With a view to preventing such harm , people often take a tolerant attitude .

  15. 我和我们都隐忍着,都无奈着,都真实地活着。

    We and I are enduring , are at a loss , are truly alive .

  16. 正是受损的血管造成难以隐忍的刺激及麻痹。

    It 's the damaged blood vessels that cause that almost intolerable irritation and numbness .

  17. 隐忍型的父亲形象。

    Second , the forbearing father image .

  18. 即善良,宽容、隐忍的高贵品格以及自由自在的生命状态。

    Namely good , tolerant , bears patiently noble moral character as well as free life condition .

  19. 有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。

    Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road .

  20. 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放

    Just as happiness born in the years , not insolent , the every act and move blooms quietly

  21. 有一种隐忍其实是蕴藏着的一种力量,有一种静默其实是惊天的告白。

    There is a bear is actually contains a force , there was a silence is startled day advertising .

  22. 喜欢安静而隐忍的爱,不要索取,懂得便是幸福,不懂又岂能强求。

    If you understand it , that is happiness , if not , how can we impose for it ?

  23. 这一事实往往成为进城就业农民工廉价出买他们的劳动力并对雇主的侵权行为隐忍不咎的主要原因。

    The fact that jobs are often migrant farmers to buy their cheap labor and employers do not blame .

  24. 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放。

    Just as happiness born in the years , not insolent , the every act and move blooms quietly .

  25. 昨天跟猪爸又一次探讨了这个问题,莫名其妙地讨厌他隐忍、压抑、无奈的消极态度。

    I discussed this problem with Yue 's dad yesterday again . I unreasonably hated his negative and sad attitude .

  26. 所以要是那些人散布的看法没有什么实际意义的话,我们隐忍地漠视这些东西就可以了。

    When people post opinions without practical implications for the article , it 's best to just leave them be .

  27. 他洗了脸出来,勉强隐忍,吩咐人摆饭。

    And he washed his face , and went out , and refrained himself , and said , set on bread .

  28. 但对愤怒隐忍,它只会腐蚀、毁灭,从内到外都乱成一团。

    but left on its own , it will only corrode and destroy and sow chaos on the inside and out .

  29. 隐忍与进取:封建皇位继承难题及其当代启示

    Being patiently tolerant or enterprising : the difficult problem of the feudal throne inheritance and inspiration from it at the present age

  30. 意识内蕴从四个方面论述:(一)悲情与隐忍意识。

    The exposition of the ideological connotation will be from the following four aspects : 1 . the ideology of grief and forbearance ;