
shè fǎ
  • try to;try;manage;seek to;strive;think of a way;make an attempt to;do what one can
设法 [shè fǎ]
  • [try;manage;strive;make an attempt to] 想办法

  • 我们正在设法解决水箱漏水的问题

设法[shè fǎ]
  1. 因此,在产业结构的调整中,政府职责应是:消除地方保护主义,促进竞争,形成一个社会平均利润率,支持新兴部门,设法启动农村市场。

    Therefore , the government ′ s duties in the adjustment of industrial structure should be as follows : wipe out local protectionism , encourage competition , form a social average rate of return , support developing departments and think of a way to develop rural markets .

  2. 现在,我们必须设法说服管理层采纳这个意见。

    Now we have to try and sell the idea to management .

  3. 他现在正设法逃避在我们协议中应承担的义务。

    He 's now trying to weasel out of our agreement .

  4. 他设法在有限的空间内转过身来。

    He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space .

  5. 我们必须设法解决交通污染问题。

    We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution .

  6. 我们正设法评估这个系统运行得是否顺畅。

    We are trying to assess how well the system works .

  7. 他正设法在银行找一个工作。

    He 's trying to get a job in a bank .

  8. 他设法把话题从他离婚一事上引开。

    He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce .

  9. 我设法把这整个经历从心中抹掉。

    I tried to wipe the whole episode from my mind .

  10. 我正设法召集一帮人过周六呢。

    I 'm trying to get a team together for Saturday .

  11. 我们下一步必须设法使各级委员会予以通过。

    We next had to navigate a complex network of committees .

  12. 我们设法向咖啡馆老板讨了一顿饭。

    We managed to beg a meal from the cafe owner .

  13. 他特意设法与新闻界搞好关系。

    He purposely tried to cultivate good relations with the press .

  14. 他们设法把材料仅仅塞进一张光盘。

    They managed to shoehorn the material onto just one CD .

  15. 我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。

    I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report .

  16. 我设法在讲话中穿插了几个笑话。

    I managed to slip a few jokes into my speech .

  17. 我设法求得一位开车路过的人让我搭车。

    I managed to beg a lift from a passing motorist .

  18. 警方正设法查清到底发生了什么。

    The police are trying to ascertain what really happened .

  19. 我设法找出了解决问题的办法。

    I managed to find a solution to the problem .

  20. 我设法迫使他说出了真情。

    I managed to force the truth out of him .

  21. 人们在设法对恐怖分子最近的暴行进行严惩。

    People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages .

  22. 他们正在设法避免更大的悲剧发生。

    They were trying to prevent an even worse tragedy .

  23. 他们设法再现了老戏院原来的气氛。

    They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre .

  24. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。

    They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protesters .

  25. 她正设法弄平裙子上的皱褶。

    She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt .

  26. 他正设法使他的计划显得吸引人。

    He was trying to make it look like an attractive proposition .

  27. 她设法从他手里夺过了枪。

    She managed to snatch the gun from his hand .

  28. 你怎么才能设法走出森林?

    How do you navigate your way through a forest ?

  29. 我们设法及时赶到了机场。

    We managed to get to the airport in time .

  30. 他们设法在墙上凿了个洞。

    They managed to knock a hole in the wall .