
  1. SET模式是一种全新的、先进的产品设计前期分析理论,在当今欧美发达国家的产品设计前期己被广泛运用。

    The SET mode is a fire-new and advanced analysis theory for product design at the early stage and has been widely used in current industrial design in developed European and American countries .

  2. 使SoC软件工程师在设计前期就得到验证软件的快速原型系统,并且为硬件设计工程师提供快速的仿真环境。

    SoC software engineers use transaction level models as a fast prototype to verify software early in design flow . SoC hardware engineers also employ transaction level models to build fast simulation environment .

  3. 本文介绍了一种应用非常广泛的仿真技术实现环境AWE,在该环境下,能快速实现设计前期繁琐的分析计算工作,同时实现用户化的开发功能。

    This article presents a cooperation simulation environment called AWE . In AWE , some trivial analyzing and calculating jobs can be done in the early period of design and the customization development can be realized .

  4. 趋势与选择&复合型体育设施设计前期问题探讨

    The Trend and the Choice : Design Research of Composite Sport Facility

  5. 大型仓储式超市设计前期的建筑策划应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Architectural Programming before the Design of Supermarket

  6. 设计前期的一些考虑将焦点放在接口设计上。

    A few considerations early in the design phase can focus an interface design .

  7. 商品住宅小区设计前期建筑策划应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Architectural Scheme in the Front-end Design of Commodity Residential Quarters

  8. 在设计前期的公差设计将减少设计修改并缩短设计周期。

    Tolerance design during early stages of design will lessen design modifications and shorten its period .

  9. 城市污水处理厂设计前期工作要点(一)&资料收集与分析

    Main Points of Earlier Stage Works for Design of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant-Collection and Analysis of Data and Materials

  10. 这样也忽略了在方案设计前期,建筑师与建设方多次反复沟通并调整方案的环节,而直接得出结果。

    This ignores the pre-in program design , which architects and construction part adjust the program repeatedly , and direct the outcome .

  11. 设计前期采用二维及三维非线性有限元,对两种暗涵穿越形式分别进行数值模拟。

    In the early stage of design , 2-D and 3-D FEM simulations of these two different crossing styles are conducted respectively .

  12. 在论文的前半部分,论述了方案设计前期准备的两个关键阶段,即安全需求分析阶段与风险分析阶段,并对如何进行安全需求分析和安全风险分析进行了详细的阐述。

    At the first half part , the article discussed the two main steps at the earlier preparatory stage , the demand of the security and the risk analysis .

  13. 航行性能在船舶设计前期阶段的战略性决策中发挥着重要作用,对船舶的质量有着深远和全局性的影响。

    Navigation performance plays an important part in the strategic decision during the prophase of ship design , it also have far-reaching and overall influence on the quality of ship .

  14. 第二部分主要是光纤直接耦合器件设计前期准备,详细分析了光纤直接耦合的回波损耗、插入损耗及精密校准问题。

    The second part is the arrangement for the design of direct-coupled optical switches and variable optical attenuators . analyzing return loss , insertion loss and precise calibration of them .

  15. 本文还确定了网络教学设计前期分析的内容,包括:学生的学习需要分析、辅导教师的角色分析、教学内容分析、教学开发技术分析。

    Furthermore , prophase analysis contents about designing courseware online are confirmed in this dissertation , which include Students ' Demands , Instructor 's Functions , Teaching Contents and Development Technologies .

  16. 这个过程应始终贯彻以用户为中心的原则,设计前期不仅要有深入的用户研究,深刻洞察用户的需求,后期也应有反复的用户测试。

    It should always implement the principles of user-oriented design , not only carry out in-depth user research in early stage to identify user needs , but also repetitious user testing in late phrase .

  17. 本文通过相关文献资料和理论的学习研究,将主题板定义为:在服装产品设计前期工作中用以叙述和传递设计思想,并主要通过图像和文字为表达手段的信息展示板。

    In this paper , theme board is defined as an information display board which mainly uses images and text as means of expression to describe and convey design concepts at the early stage of product development .

  18. 提出在毕业论文设计前期教学环节中要求每一个学生作开题报告,以强化热动专业学生基本创新能力+特殊创新能力培养。

    The subject-selecting report for every student in thermal power engineering during the initial stage of graduation thesis and design is put forward to enforce the cultivation of the students ' basic creative diathesis and special creative ability .

  19. 但建筑策划在商品住宅小区的应用由于缺乏系统的、科学的、方便实用的应用模式,导致建筑策划在商品住宅设计前期的应用迟迟得不到推广。

    However , due to the lack of a systematic , scientific , convenient and practical applied model in the application to commodity residential quarters , the front-end application of architectural scheme has not been popularized in due time .

  20. 体育馆建筑属于大型公共建筑,建筑规模大、内部功能要求较高,只有在设计前期进行详尽的结构概念设计才能保证结构设计的合理性、安全性和经济性。

    Gymnasium belongs to large public building , which scale is large and the demands of functions is high , so only the detail pre-design is carried out , can the rationality and the safe reliability and the economy of gymnasium structure be guaranteed .

  21. 在家具设计前期,消费者对家具产品的评价直接影响家具设计;家具方案设计对最终的家具产品质量影响很大且十分的重要,而方案的评价对家具产品的质量具有重要的把关作用。

    In the early stage of furniture design , consumer , s evaluation affects the furniture design directly , and the design of furniture plan plays an important role to the quality of furniture product . The evaluation to the design of furniture plan can guarantee the quality of products .

  22. 在规划设计的前期准备工作中,查阅了大量国内外关于宽带网络技术及城域网建设的文献资料,完成了沈阳联通宽带IP城域网构建的论文。

    During the period of preparation to this project , I have read a lot of domestic and overseas literatures about broadband network technology and MAN construction .

  23. 非常适合于电荷泵锁相环(CPPLL)的系统级设计和前期验证。

    So the formula is very adapt to the systematic design and early verification of 3 rd Order CPPLL .

  24. 论公共建筑室内设计的前期工作

    On the Preparatory Work for the Interior Decoration of Public Architecture

  25. 浅谈包装设计的前期规划

    Brief Talk on Earlier Stage Plan of Packaging Design

  26. 在此基础上设计专业前期课程8门、专业课程9门。

    On the basis of which , 8 specialized-base courses and 9 specialized courses be established .

  27. 房屋建造成本包括勘探设计、前期工程费以及建筑安装费等。

    Housing construction costs , including prospecting and designing , pre-engineering costs and construction and installation fees .

  28. 从用户的需求出发,对家用空调进行设计的前期定位。

    Then according to the needs of consumers , the orientation of design in the prophase is confirmed .

  29. 过去,设计师在设计的前期往往通过观察和调研的方式来了解用户的需求。

    In the past , designer used to learn users ' need by observation and probe before starting design process .

  30. 教学设计的前期分析包括学习者分析、学习资源分析以及学习内容分析。

    The analysis in the early stage of ID included learner analysis , learning resource analysis , and learning content analysis .