
  • 网络Device Context
  1. 从源设备描述表复制一个带透明色的位图到当前设备描述表。

    Copies a bitmap with transparent color from the source device context to this current device context .

  2. 实现从一个源设备描述表传送一个比特块到目标设备描述表的一个平行四边形区域。

    Performs a bit-block transfer from a rectangle in a source device context into a parallelogram in a destination device context .

  3. 得到选入当前位图的设备描述表。

    Retrieves the device context into which the current bitmap is selected .

  4. 介绍了Windows映射模式/图形设备接口/设备描述表的概念及相互关系,并给出了基于MFC的程序流程图。

    The concepts and relations of Windows mapping mode , GDI and Device Context are introduced , and the program flow chart based on MFC is provided in the end .