
  • 网络aino;Ainol
  1. 艾诺在我这儿派了很多间谍。

    Arnaut has sent many spies into my midst .

  2. 他们的轰炸机已离开阿维艾诺。

    Their stealth bombers have left aviano .

  3. 不过,他的确曾出售给卡尔扎伊另一个兄弟穆哈穆德·卡尔扎伊10000公顷土地,用以建造艾诺米娜住房高级住房发展中心。但是,此中心是目前阿富汗同类项目中最好的一个,未来十年内将一直会是该市最佳财源。

    Yes , he had sold 10000 acres of land to Mahmoud Karzai , another brother , to build the exclusive Aino Mina estate , but that was the best such project in Afghanistan , beautiful houses that would be the city 's best source of income for a decade .