
  • 网络erica;Erika;Elektra;Elika
  1. 艾丽卡:我本来会给你整个世界。

    Elektra king : I could have given you the world .

  2. 例如,新近的电影《艾丽卡》就是《夜魔侠》的派生作品。

    The recent film Elektra was a spin-off from the Daredevil movie , for example .

  3. 在第一次地震的时候,艾米和艾丽卡正在浴室里,她们试图奔向浴室的大门。

    Alicia and Amy had been in the bathroom and had run for the door at the first tremors .

  4. 当艾丽卡叫蒂姆离开的时候,他像疯了一样,开始冲她大喊大叫。

    When Erica asked Tim to leave , he just lost it and started shouting at her . 4 go mental

  5. 艾米成功逃了出去,但是艾丽卡却在大厅的过道上,被掉下来的石梁砸死了。

    Amy made it safely outside , but Alicia had been hit by a falling beam and died in the hallway .

  6. 这个名叫艾米·波特的女人曾经和他的妹妹艾丽卡一样,都是一所老学校的啦啦队队长。

    The woman whose name was Amy Porter had been a cheerleader along with her twin sister Alicia , at the old school many years ago .

  7. 幸运的是,没有人在地震中受伤,救护队伍至始至终都没有找到艾丽卡,也没有什么啦啦队队长失踪的消息,所以人们都猜测艾丽卡她可能是另一个队伍中的救护队员。

    Luckily no one had been hurt in the quake . Alicia had never been located , but no cheerleaders were missing , so it was assumed she 'd been a girl from another squad23 .

  8. 房门被撬了开了,救援队伍冲进了布满尘埃的大厅过道,但是奇怪的是,在大厅的过道中只有一条弯弯曲曲的脚步,救援队伍随后又冲进了弃置的浴室,但他们还是没有发现艾丽卡。

    The door was pried19 open and the party entered the dusty hallway . Oddly , only one set of footprints could be seen winding20 down the dusty hallway , but workers followed them quickly to the abandoned bathroom . Alicia was nowhere to be seen .

  9. 艾丽卡:嗯,你知道我这人。

    ERICA : Well , you know the thing about me .

  10. 艾丽卡,为什么你要从这里挖掘故事?

    Erica , why are you looking for a story in this ?

  11. 但是,艾丽卡研究这块骨化石已有几周了。

    Well , Erica 's been working on this bone for several weeks .

  12. 最后终于与艾丽卡唱片公司签约定下“命运”这个名字,但这个名称的维持时间都还不到最后成片。

    Under the final name they signed with Elektra Records but were dumped before they could produce an album .

  13. 我打给了我的搭档汤姆森我信任他我是伦诺克斯特工你们可以叫我艾丽卡

    I called my partner , Thomsen . He 's the one guy I trust . I 'm Agent Lennox , but you can call me Erica .