
  • 网络Emil;emile;Amir
  1. 艾米尔竭力从心头排除掉这些可怕的想法。

    Emil tried to dismiss from his mind the horrible thoughts .

  2. 雷米:(正在视察艾米尔吃的东西)这是什么啊?

    Remy : [ observing what Emile is eating ] What is that ?

  3. 艾米尔的派对没有通过这项检验:比布莱克级别低的,只有他的一个侄子和霍林格公司(Hollinger)的两名高管。

    Amiel 's fails this test : the only people junior to Black were one nephew of his and a couple of Hollinger executives .

  4. 艾米尔:你知道的,一旦你想办法克服呕吐的反射神经,任何东西都是可以吃的。

    Emile : You know , once you muscle your way past the gag reflex , all kinds of possibilities open up .

  5. 与此同时,前锋艾米尔。海斯基把眼光放在了本赛季帮助伯明翰获得联赛杯从而和伊恩。拉什比肩记录的身上。

    Meanwhile , striker Emile Heskey has set his sights on joining Ian Rush in the record books by helping Birmingham achieve Carling Cup glory this season .

  6. “我们的赛前会议上,我们指出了发任意球的球员和对我们有威胁的球员,正是他们让中国队得分,”他艾米尔这样告诉记者。

    ' In our pre-match meeting we identified free-kicks and certain players as dangers to us , and that is exactly how China scored , 'he told reporters .