
  1. 本文在大量观察和分析碳钢应力促发表面蝶状马氏体光镜形态的基础上,对其形成条件及立体形态进行了初步实验研究。

    In this paper the formation condition and morphology of the stress induced butterfly martensite in carbon steel are studied by analyzing a great number of specimens .

  2. 结论鼻内镜下孤立性蝶窦病变手术应首选直接到达蝶窦前壁或蝶窦开口进入蝶窦的手术进路。

    Conclusions : This results suggests that the direct way to the front wall or ostium of sphenoid sinus in endoscopic sinus surgery seems to be a convenient , safe , valuable way for management of sphenoidal diseases .