
  1. 搞演习的目的是让旅客熟悉应急程序。

    A drill will be held to familiarize passengers with emergency procedures .

  2. 了解应急程序和应急计划;

    Knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans ;

  3. 应用护理应急程序抢救亚硝酸钠中毒病人

    The application of nursing procedures in rescue emergency with the sodium nitrous food poisoning patients

  4. 开发了一发失效应急程序。

    Exploit one-engine out emergency procedure .

  5. 意外事故预先计划及应急程序条令应变安排,应急计划

    Contingency plans and emergency procedures manual

  6. 检查员:很抱歉告诉你,贵船需要滞留于本港训练应急程序。

    Inspector : I am sorry to tell you that your ship should be detained at this port for training contingency procedure .

  7. 摘要紧急状态是应对危机的重要法律制度,是启动应急程序的事实和法律基础。

    State of emergency is an important legal system to deal with crises , emergency procedures is the factual and legal basis .

  8. 新员工必须穿戴绿色安全帽,直到您熟悉现场的环境以及相应的应急程序为止。

    The green hat shall be worn until you are familiar with the installation , your work / worksite and all emergency response procedures .

  9. 东方航空的一名官员说,一架从兰州到西安的航班周三早上起飞不久后收到了威胁信息,随后,这家运营商启动了应急程序。

    An official at China Eastern said the carrier launched emergency procedures after a flight from Lanzhou to Xi'an received a threat shortly after takeoff on Wednesday morning .

  10. 其中,加强和完善应对突发事件的行政应急程序在保障公民权利,控制行政应急权力和弥补现行立法空白方面有极其重要的意义。

    It is very important for establishing and improving administrative emergent procedure to ensure citizen rights , control administrative emergency authority and fill the gap in present legislation .

  11. 出现异常情况时立即按应急处理程序处理。

    Treat the abnormal situation according to the emergency response procedure .

  12. 化学品泄漏应急处置程序与方法研究

    Procedures and Methods of the Emergency Response of Chemical Leakage Accident

  13. 应急停止程序业经同意?

    Has the emergency shutdown procedure been agreed ?

  14. 其次,在应急反应程序中对每种紧急情况规定了相应的反应行动。

    Secondly , proper response is defined for each emergency situations in the emergency response procedures .

  15. 我根据不符合控制程序和应急反应程序向公司报告这类情况。

    A We report them to company according to the non-conformity control procedures and emergency response procedures .

  16. 在出现紧急情况时,应急响应程序将会在个人计算机上显示即时弹出窗口,不管当前是否在运行应用程序。

    Instant pop-up windows containing emergency information and response procedures can appear on PCs , regardless of programs being used .

  17. 方法护理部、医务科、病区护士长评估护理工作中可能存在的风险,然后完善相应工作制度,改进工作流程,制定常见风险、专科危重症及突发疫情的应急处理程序;

    Methods The nursing department , medical administration department and head nurses assessed the possible risks in clinical nursing works .

  18. 目的:总结在重大灾害面前急诊科护理应急管理程序及救治大批量伤员的护理经验。

    Objective : To generalize the process of dealing with emergencies in the Wenchuan Earthquake , and the experiences of treating and nursing the wounded .

  19. 系统开发人员可以参考文中所述数学模型以及相关应急基本程序建立相应的应急培训系统。

    System development personnel can refer to the mathematical model in this paper and relevant basic emergency response program to establish corresponding emergency response system .

  20. 介绍了制定企业事故应急计划的程序方法;

    The formulating procedure of emergency response project for enterprises is introduced .

  21. 航天应急故障操作程序复杂度度量方法研究

    Operation Complexity Measure of Emergency Failure Operation Procedure in Spaceflight

  22. 介绍了广州地铁1号线火灾事故安全疏散的原则以及应急处理的程序和措施。讨论了地铁发生火灾时必须具备的技术手段和管理措施。

    With an introduction to the safe evacuating regulations and the emergency treatment mensures of Guangzhou Metro Line 1 , the author discusses how to improve the technical measures and management method in an emergency of metro conflagration .

  23. 生物恐怖袭击应急救援演练的程序设计

    Program design of emergency rescue practice against bio-terror accidents

  24. 企业突发性环境污染事故应急系统及其响应程序

    Emergency System and Response Program Unexpected Environmental Pollution Accident

  25. 复杂紧急情况应急和联合呼吁程序处

    Complex Emergency Response / Consolidated Appeal Process Branch

  26. 文中基于风险理念,通过对军队油库管理危险形势的分析,探讨了油库安全管理的风险评价问题,并用直接风险评估法进行风险分析,给出了风险处理应急预案的执行程序。

    This article discusses the risk evaluation problem and at last the emergency plan is given .

  27. 工厂没有制定适合的应急响应计划和程序以应对化学品或会对环境产生危害的物质的泄漏事件。

    The factory has not formulated emergency response plan and procedure to meet the chemical or the hazardous of environment divulgence .

  28. 在各级应急组织制定和实施通用的应急响应程序,使应急反应的接警、启动、救援实施、事态控制、应急恢复,直到应急结束的全过程实现程序化和标准化。

    Emergency response system at different level should develop and implement the generalized response procedure , and standardize the whole response process , from alert , activation , operation , status control , restoring , and to the end of the action .

  29. 进而从药品突发公共事件的应急原则、应急责任、应急机构、应急程序、民事赔偿五个方面提出解决问题的法治化对策。

    Then arises suddenly the public event from the drugs the emergency principle , the emergency responsibility , the emergency organization , the emergency procedure , civil compensates five aspects to propose solves the question government by law countermeasure .

  30. 应急处置管理功能包括:应急处置预案查询、应急处置程序、应急事件登记及处理。

    The emergency response management functions include contingency plans for handling inquiries , emergency response procedures , emergency event registration and processing .