
  • 网络Sinofert Holdings Limited;Sinofert Holdings Ltd
  1. 在宏观并购环境下,实力强大的中化化肥控股有限公司与相对弱小的DQL化工为了各自的发展进行了组合。

    Under the macro-acquisition environment , the powerful Fertilizer Chinese Company and the relatively weak DQL Chemical Company were combined in order to carry out a combination of their own development .

  2. 为此,DQL化工公司开始了与中化化肥控股有限公司的并购,靠资本的力量完成产权制度改造,形成了现代化的公司。

    So DQL Chemical Company started the merger and acquisition with the Fertilizer Chinese Company , completed transformation of property rights system relying on the power of capital , and became a modern company .