
  1. ——在《经济时报》全球商业峰会上的讲话印度的青年们能够通过轻击鼠标而改变世界,是我们创造了这种能力!

    The youth of India has the strength to move the entire World with a click of a mouse , we have generated that ability !

  2. 它需要一个团队,但是你,身为这颗奇妙星球的一分子,可以从家里开始,然后让色彩从一个人泼洒到下一个人,再到下一个人,直到我们创造出这个不可思议、不断改变的杰作。

    It takes a team , but you , as an individual on this wonderful planet , can start at home and let the color spill from one person to the next , to the next until we create this incredible ever-changing masterpiece .

  3. 2015年,我们创造出改变了时间的Watch。

    In 2015 we made the Watch , which changed time .

  4. 3D特效扮演着整合这艺术型态的角色,而我觉得似乎我们创造出的科技造就了一部旷世巨作。

    The 3D is an integrated part of the art form , and I feel like the technology that we created has contributed to a masterpiece .

  5. 以一名舞蹈演员的全身作为实验的输入设备,我们创造了MocaPerformance项目(2002年)。

    Experimenting with the whole body of a dancer as an input device we created the Mocap Performance ( 2002 ) .

  6. GDP是指我们创造的商品和服务的价值总和。它不仅未能反映出收入的分配,而且还忽视了人们的感情需求,这种感情需求不能被简单地以货币价值衡量。

    GDP – the total sum of the goods and services we produce – not only fails to reflect the distribution of income , it also omits feelings , not easily reducible to monetary values .

  7. 在我们创造MetaMatrix之前,“企业信息集成”词语还不存在,而像Gartner这样的技术顾问们登上了这条船。

    The phrase Enterprise Information Integration didn 't exist before we created it , and technology consultants like Gartner jumped on board .

  8. 德同董事会主席乔·安德鲁(JoeAndrew)说,他们与私营企业,以及大型国有企业首席执行官的私人关系,以及目前走出中国、进入西方的所有业务,明显会为我们创造大量机会。

    The personal relationships they have with the C.E.O.s of private companies and big , state-owned enterprises is obviously something that creates a tremendous opportunity for us , with all that work that is now coming out into the West , said Joe Andrew , the chairman of Dentons .

  9. 这就是我们创造的复杂的经济体。

    This is how complex the economy we 've created is .

  10. 人们说是神将我们创造成这样。

    They say that God has made us like this .

  11. 我相信我们创造了世上最美的东西。

    I believe we made the most beautiful thing in the world .

  12. 太阳还给我们创造了白天和黑夜。

    The sun also makes our day and our night .

  13. 为我们创造一个更美好的青山。

    Making a better Tree Hill for all of us .

  14. 小屋。这是生命的一部份,或者说是我们创造的。

    It is a part of life , or of the story .

  15. 信用卡的使用正在为我们创造一个不用现钞的社会。

    The use of credit cards is making us a cashless society .

  16. 威海滨田:我们创造新技术

    WEIHAI HAMADA : We Create the New Technology

  17. 这就是为什么我们创造圣克莱门茨。

    That 's why we created St Clements .

  18. 随着话语的展开,我们创造出一个心理空间网络。

    With the expansion of a discourse , we create a mental space network .

  19. 这个月我们创造了更多的利润。

    We are making more profit this month .

  20. 每一样东西都是我们创造的,我们要求的质量很高,因而不能一买了事。

    Everything we created . We needed quantity so we could not just buy .

  21. 我们创造了逾1400万个新的就业岗位;

    More than 14 million new jobs ;

  22. 所以我们创造出了金融市场来满足我们对“好运”的渴求。

    So we have created financial markets to satisfy our " get lucky " urge .

  23. 那天夜里,我们创造了奇迹。

    We made magic that night .

  24. 我们创造了天文学和数学。

    We invented astronomy and mathematics .

  25. 这就为我们创造了机会,可以介入进来,提供更为个人化的服务。

    That creates an opportunity for us to come in and provide a more personalised service .

  26. 我们创造未来。

    We shape the future .

  27. 我们创造了历史。

    History has been created .

  28. 相信自己,我们创造了世界,我们的生活和潜力。

    Through our belief in our self , we create our world , our life , our potential .

  29. 我们创造快乐工作和快乐生活的方法是:实施有竞争力的薪酬与激励方案;

    We create happy work and happy life with the following methods : implementing a competitive and motivating compensation policy ;

  30. 下半场,基于我们创造的多次机会,很遗憾我们没有拿下三分。

    In the second half , based on chances created , we are disappointed we didn 't take maximum points .