
  1. 高端地产开发商finchatton的亚历克斯米什林(alexmichelin)本可以在伦敦成立店面,但他很快发现自己可以卖出任何数量的外国房产。

    Alex Michelin , of high-end property developer finchatton , might have set up shop in London but he soon found himself working out of any number of foreign locations .

  2. 地产代理世邦魏理仕(CBRE)指出,按高端地产的租金和收益衡量,伦敦SOHO区的办公楼在过去五年升值了65%;

    Based on prime rents and yields , the value of offices in the London Soho area has risen 65 per cent in the past five years , says CBRE , a property agent .

  3. 过去几年,短期零售市场如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展,不仅在电子商务和实体商务之间架设了一座桥梁,而且让很多品牌有机会只用很少的资金租用高端地产进行短期零售。

    The short-term retail market has exploded over the past few years , bridging the gap between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar stores and enabling brands a chance at premium real estate at a fraction of the cost .

  4. 汇丰私人银行已在通过PropertyVision提供此项服务,PropertyVision是其高端房地产代理服务,帮助客户购买住宅或乡村别墅。

    HSBC Private Bank is already doing this , through Property Vision , its upmarket estate agency , which helps clients buy a house or country estate .

  5. 追踪中国富有人群的研究机构胡润研究院(HurunResearchInstitute)的数据显示,中国目前有约30400名富豪居住在辽宁省(大连是辽宁省的一个主要城市),这也是推动大连高端房地产市场需求的一项因素。

    Also driving demand for high-end properties is the fact that about 30400 of China 's millionaires live in Liaoning province , in which Dalian is a major city , according to the Hurun Research Institute , which tracks China 's wealthy individuals .

  6. 该报告的作者之一、KnightFrank的利亚姆•贝利(LiamBailey)警告称,高端房地产市场的好日子可能已是屈指可数,至少在短期是这样的。

    One of the authors of the report , Liam Bailey of Knight Frank , warned that the good times could be coming to an end for the high-end property markets , in the short term at least .

  7. 部分高端房地产市场价格大幅上涨。

    Selected , high-end property market prices are rising dramatically .

  8. 华嘉汇是北京优秀的高端房地产经纪服务公司之一。

    Good View Property is one of the outstanding high-end real property agencies in Beijing .

  9. 高端房地产市场比危机前回升约25%。

    The resurgent luxury property market is about 25 per cent higher than pre-crisis levels .

  10. 不过,大额奖金仅仅是众多影响独特得伦敦高端房地产市场的因素之一。

    But healthy bonuses are just one of a number of factors affecting the unique high-end London market .

  11. 全球高端房地产的资本价值在2007年平均上涨11%。

    Lifetime average The average increase in capital values of prime property globally was 11 per cent in 2007 .

  12. 但通过空壳公司流入美国并购买高端房地产的资金,并未被要求接受这类审查。

    But such checks are not required on money flowing into the country through shell companies to purchase high-end real estate .

  13. 华人置业的出价将达到卖主要价,突显出伦敦高端商业地产市场的复苏。

    The deal , which will meet the asking price , underlines the recovery in the prime London commercial property market .

  14. 他指的是中国富人的购物清单上大多是高端房地产、家具和豪华车。

    He points to the dominance of luxury property , furnishings and luxury cars in the spending profiles of China 's rich .

  15. 目前中国内地经济和股市的繁荣,提升了对高端房地产的需求,甚至超过危机前水平。

    Each , as the buoyant economy and stock markets on the Chinese mainland lift demand for exclusive properties beyond pre-crisis levels .

  16. 主要客户是国内外著名设计院和高端房地产商,曾为许多家五星级以上酒店及顶级住宅提供配套。

    Main customers are famous design institutes and high-end real estate , We was providing support for many five-star hotels and top housing .

  17. 在时代华纳中心的这些公寓挂牌销售以来的10年里,高端房地产销售整体上已经变得越来越不透明。

    Over the decade since the Time Warner condos came on the market , high-end real estate sales in general have become increasingly opaque .

  18. 北京将竭尽全力证明,高端房地产之退,将有低端房地产之进来弥补。

    Beijing will pull out all the stops to show that what is taken out of high-end property will be made-up at the lower-end real estate .

  19. 该行业的论断忽略了空壳公司的使用越来越普遍,以及富有的外国人常寻找高端房地产,将其作为安全的存款箱。

    The industry 's assertions ignored the increasing use of shell companies and how often wealthy foreigners sought out high-end real estate as a safe deposit box .

  20. 大索罟岛的村民把土地卖给一家香港地产开发商,开发商原本计划在那里开发高端豪华地产项目,但一直没有结果。

    The villagers on Big Soko sold their land to a Hong Kong property developer who planned a high-end luxury development , but that never came to fruition .

  21. 除了专门划出一片区域用于修建高端房地产外,常州还开始修建地铁线路,希望转型成一个先进材料和高科技产品制造基地。

    It blocked out a section for higher-end housing and started building a subway in anticipation of transforming itself into a producer of advanced materials and high-tech goods .

  22. 另一群高要求客户是高端房地产开发商。如果一幢公寓楼被贴上“明星建筑师”的标签,就能确保较高的定价。

    Another set of demanding clients are high-end property developers , who can secure higher prices if an apartment block has been stamped by a " starchitect . "

  23. 东京主城区高端房地产销售状况没有正式的数据,但房地产业管理人士给出了一些例证表明该市场正在强劲地复苏。

    No formal indicator exists for high-end properties on the city 's prime blocks , but real-estate executives give anecdotal evidence suggesting a strong recovery for the segment .

  24. 金钱大量流进伦敦的高端房地产市场,人们对伦敦价值千万英镑的高价别墅和奢侈公寓的需求已经创下新高。

    The top-end London property market is awash with money . Demand for multi-million pound houses and luxury apartments in prime areas of the capital is at a record high .

  25. 茶室在四年的高额资金投入后再次对外开张。全球高端房地产的资本价值在2007年平均上涨11%。

    Tea Room opened its doors again Friday after a four-year high adders ? The average increase in capital values of prime property globally was 11 per cent in 2007 .

  26. 近年来,上海高端房地产市场所兴起的一股老洋房热就吸引了这类企业的关注,且购买意向比较明确。

    In recent years , the emergence of Shanghai as a high-end property market hot on the old villa attracted the attention of such enterprises , and purchase intent more clearly .

  27. 为了提高孩子在国外学习的可能性,越来越多的中国买家纷纷入手全球大学城的高端房地产。

    In an effort to increase the likelihood of their children studying abroad , a growing group of Chinese buyers is snapping up high-end real estate in college towns around the world .

  28. 在香港和新加坡,扩张金融业的疯狂竞赛使问题变得更加复杂,目前这一行业正大举裁员,并触发高端房地产价格暴跌。

    In Hong Kong and Singapore , the problems are compounded by a furious race to expand a financial sector that is now bleeding jobs and triggering a tumble in high-end property prices .

  29. 自去年夏季起,伦敦高端房地产市场就迎来了繁荣,对金融城和伦敦西区其它优质资产的开价已接近三年前的峰值水平。

    The London prime property market has seen a boom since last summer , with prices being asked on more highly prized city and West End buildings near to the peak achieved three years ago .

  30. 房产代理商表示,伦敦的高端房地产市场正越来越吸引年轻,有敏锐理财头脑的消费群。一旦他们买下梦想的豪宅,就不会买出。

    Agents say that the high-end London market is now attracting a much younger , financially astute type of buyer who , once they have secured their dream home , sees no advantage to selling up .